Civil Rights

  • Brown VS Board

    A grand ruling where the Supreme Court overturned Plessy vs Furgisson, ruling that separate doesn't and can never be equal.
  • Emmett Till Murder

    When in a store, he allegedly offended a white woman. in response to this, two white men took him outside, beat him to a pulp tied a microwave to his body, and threw him in a river. his body was found mutilated, and his mother presented him at his funeral in an open casket, showing America the brutality of white hatred.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks refused to get up from her seat after a white man asked her to stand. she was then arrested for refusing him and bailed out soon after. this prompted the boycott of busses in Montgomery, negatively influencing the bus' revenue by nearly 70%
  • Little Rock Nine

    Nine black children ranging from sophomores to seniors arrived at Central High in Little Rock, and were greeted with a mob of angry whites. this prompted the national guard to be called on them, and eventually the 101 airborne division was called in to protect the little rock nine.
  • Sit-Ins

    Black people would fill the white seats at corner stores, protesting the overt racism as well as taking away customers. they were abused and harassed constantly, but eventually, it worked.
  • The Freedom Rides

    A group of students and adults took greyhounds to enforce the new ruling of bus laws, aggravating racists to attempt to influence American opinion. it worked spectacularly but was not safe at all. they were frequently beaten and harassed.
  • Birmingham protests

    A direct attempt to overwhelm the police and put a strain on the government by taking advantage of their racist police chief. it worked spectacularly. eventually, they used schoolchildren to fill jail cells, and eventually, the police chief snapped, ordering firehose to be used to repel the crowd. this was publicized massively, helping turn white opinions.
  • March on washington

    the largest march in US history, where MLK gave his famous "I have a dream" speech to nearly 25000 people.
  • Freedom Summer (Mississippi)

    An effort to raise awareness of oppression and racially discriminatory acts in Mississippi. this helped raise awareness and prevent oppression and racially discriminatory acts.
  • civil rights act of 1964

    a historical law that made it a civil rights violation to discriminate based on race, gender, or ethnicity. this took away public discrimination but couldn't do anything for privately held businesses.
  • The Selma Marches

    These were the last successful large-scale nonviolent protests for the civil rights movements. The Selma Marches were three marches from Montgomery to Alabama, protesting the discriminatory voting rights of the deep south. this turned brutal as the nation viewed peaceful protesters being charged, gassed, and beaten brutally.
  • Voting act of 1965

    a law that prohibits the use of literacy tests or tolls, prevents racial discrimination in voting and allows the federal government to register voters if the state refuses to follow the 15th amendment.
  • MLK assasination

    He was killed in his hotel in Memphis by a white man with a rifle. his death caused ripples of anger and grief across the nation, lighting the already turbulent movement ablaze.