Civil Rights Legislation

  • brown v. Board of Education

    stopped segregation in public schools
  • the deadly whistle

    emmet till was beaten,shot and dumped in a river after he whistled at a white girl
  • equal pay act

    if people work the same then they get paid the same no matter what
  • Civil Rights Act

    outlawed discrmination based on race,sex,religion, and national origin
  • votings right act

    allows federal registrarsa to register voters and ensure those registered are not discriminated against and can exercise their right to vote.
  • civil rights act title VIZII

    this let people live where they wanted to live no matter what.
  • high education act

    lets diifferent races and sexs go to school together and get treated equally
  • americans with disabilities act

    stops people with disabiltities from being treated unfair oe less