Black History

  • Escape of harriet Tubman

    Escape of harriet Tubman
    Harriet helped huntreds of slaves become free. Harriet Tubman was born in MAryland in 1820. Harriet successfully got out in 1849. Tubman was born into slave along with all of her siblings.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War was certainly one of the most horific events in the world. THe Civil War lasted for four years. Over 600,000 Northern and Southerns died in this period of time. One of the big reasons the Civil War started was because of slavery. Fort Sumter was one of the main battles in the Civil War.
  • 15th Amendment

    The amendment gave the right to African American to vote but only men. It only allowed men to vote for there leaders. Before this amendment men could African men could not vote no matter what they were. Mny were awear that this was happening because they did not want the Chinese or Irish voting.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This Amendement allowed African American men to vote. This Amendment allowed people of different racew to get married. The amendment also showed that these mens were citizens. THey made the 15th for many reasons one of the main reasons were to stop Chinese and Irish from being able to vote.
  • African American Civil Rights Movement

    African American Civil Rights Movement
    This movement lasted for 10 years. The movement happened in the south. This movement was led by a man with the name of Walter Reuther. This movement was to get some people out of the states.
  • Emmett Tills Murder

    Emmett Tills Murder
    Emmett Till was only fourteen and he died in August. Emmett was born july 25 1941 in Chicago, Illinois. Emmett was raised by just his mother, Tilldidnt know his father.
  • Rosa Parks's bus boycott

    Rosa Parks's bus boycott
    Rosa Park was born Fabuary 4th 1913 and died October 24 2005. SHe was married too Raymound Parks from 1932-1977. When Rosa was on her way home from work a man told her to move because she was black but she refused too move.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    <a href='' ></a>

    This act outlawed race, region, color, sex, and national orgin. It also opened a door for futher progress in other acts. The word sex was added in the act. MArtin LUther KIng helped with this act.
  • Loving v. Virginia

    Loving v. Virginia
    The Loving v. Virgina was decided because a black women and a white man wanted to get married so some fought the case. These two people were scentneced to a year in jail. The black womens name was Mildred and the mans name was Richerd.
  • Martin Luther KIng Assation

    Martin Luther KIng Assation
    Martin was born January 15 1929. KIng was shot at the Lorrain Motel by James Earl Ray. He was rushed to the St. Joseph's Hospital and later said dead.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Jaclie Robinson was a baseball player. Jackie and his wife had 3 kids. Robinson played for the Dogers and was number 42. He died in connecticut.