Civil War

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Following the 1803 Louisiana Purchase, congress was compelled to establish a policy to guide the expansion of slavery into the new western territory.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    A slave, sparked an uprising through plantations in southen virginia.
  • The Wilmot Proposed

    The Wilmot Proposed
    The Wilmot Propse was a piece of legislation proposed by David Wilmot. If passed, the proviso would have out lawed slavery in territory acquired by the U.S.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe’s fictional exploration of slave life was a cultural sensation. Northerners eyes had been opened to the horrors of slavery. Southerners protested that Stowe’s work was slanderous.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, narrowly passed while Congressmen brandished weapons. It overturned parts of the Missouri Compromise by allowing the settlers in the two territories to determine whether or not to permit slavery by a popular vote.