
Civil War and Reconstruction

  • South Secedes

    South Secedes
    Who- south Carolina, Lincoln, Jeffeson Davis
    What- 11 states from the south separated from the Union
    When- December 20th 1860
    Where- Upper and lower south states
    Why- The south wanted to preserve their way of living with slavery and agriculture
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    Who- Jeffeson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Abraham Lincoln
    What- War fought between the US and the confederate states of America
    When- April 12th 1861- may 9th 1865
    Where- American Soil in the South
    Why- The two territories conflict over the issue of slavery wether slavey be kept or abolished
  • Battle of Bull run

    Battle of Bull run
    Who- Union forces against the confederate states, Abraham Lincoln, Stonewall Jackson
    What- First mayjor battle in the civil war
    When-July 21st 1861
    Where- Prince William County Virginia
    Why- The union troops wanted to capture Richmond, said attack onto other forces began battle
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Who- Robert E. Lee, George McClellan
    What- The bloodiest one day battle of civil war
    When- September 17th 1862
    Where- Sharpsburg Maryland
    Why- was the first battle on northen soil fr the civil war fight union vs confederate to win another victory
  • Emancipation proclomation

    Who; Abraham Lincoln
    What: This would eventually end slavery but not completely dismiss it, causing anger all over the nation
    where: usa
    to lessen tension in south and north
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Who- Abraham Lincoln
    What-Speech said by Lincoln about men who fought and lost their lives in the civil war tobe remembed
    When-November 19th 1863
    Where- Dedication of soldiers nation l cemetery
    Why- To show respect to those who passed away and strength to the nation
  • The 10% Plan

    The 10%  Plan
    Who- The united states of America, Lincoln , confederate/union
    What- document that states a southern state can become a part of the union again if 10% of te vote pledged allegiance to the Union When-December 8th 1863
    Where- impacted the south, on wether or not once again they can become part of the union
    Why- To make sure tha the states trying to become part of th Union again are serious about the nation and the strength of the North
  • Wade Davis Bill

    Wade Davis Bill
    Who- Benjamin Wade, Henry Winter Davis
    What- Bill proposed to reconstruct the South
    When- July 8th 1864
    Where- The wade Davis Bill never passed so it wa never signed and put into action
    Why- Two Radical Republicans wanted to change the South way of life and how their society functioned
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Who- Abraham Lincoln Schuyler Colfax, African Americans
    What- Abolished slavery and forced labor
    When- December 6th 1865
    Where- passed in te house of congress, effected all territories in the nation
    Why- to end slavery and begin the movement to show equality
  • 14th amendment

    This amendment would allow African Americans the right to be a citizen and would cause great controversy through time
  • Opelousas Massacre

    Opelousas Massacre
    Who- Afrian Americans, Democrates
    What- A massacre of some 200 African Americans
    When- September 28th 1868
    Where- Louisiana United States
    Why- Some Opelous African Americans tried to become part in a democratic party group
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Who- African Americans, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes
    What- Gave the right that all American citizens could vote not a matte of skin color or prior servitude
    When-February 26th 1869
    Where- House of Congress Impacted all sections of th US
    Why- To give the right to vote to all US citizens