
Civil War Timeline #3 RH JS

  • King Cotton

    King Cotton
    The meaning of King Cotton meant that slavery had a firm economic hold on the American psyche in the North and South.
  • Anaconda Plan

    Anaconda Plan
    The Anaconda plan was Winfield Scott's original plan for fighting the rebellion. It was a widely thought of as an outlined strategy for conquer.
  • Advantages of The South

    Advantages of The South
    • Trading with Europe
    • Best Military Officers
    • Long Coast lines make it difficult to blockade
    • Fighting on own soil
    • Land in South is heavily wooded making easy ambushes and retreat
  • Advantages of the North

    Advantages of the North
    • Banking, Factories, Ships
    • Experienced Government
    • More railroads to transport supplies, equipment and men.
    • Large Navy
    • Larger Population; 22 million to 9 million
  • March 4, 1861 Lincoln is president

    March 4, 1861 Lincoln is president
    Abraham Lincoln became the sixteenth president on this date.
    In his inaugural address, Lincoln proclaimed that it was his main job to hold down the Union. He also declared that he had no intention of ending slavery where it existed, or of repealing the Fugitive Slave Law -- a position that scared the African Americans and their white allies.
  • Fort Sumter

     Fort Sumter
    With 43 Confederate guns, Battle of Fort Sumter was the bloodiest war ever in history and left tons of people dead.
  • Lincoln calls out the militia

     Lincoln calls out the militia
    Lincoln's statement, however, did not satisfy the Confederacy, and on April 12 they attacked Fort Sumter (a federal stronghold in Charleston, South Carolina.) Federal troops returned the fire. And then the Civil War had begun.
    Fort Sumter was captured, and bombarded by 3,000 shells in flying the rebel “stars and Bars” flag.
  • West Virginia was born

    West Virginia was born
    Residents of the western counties of Virginia did not wish to secede along with the rest of the state.
  • Four slave states stay in the Union

    Four slave states stay in the Union
    Although the view on slavery for these four states (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri) these slave states did not join the Confederacy. Although it was separated in their loyalties pressure from the Union Military and some political changes these four states kept from seceding.