Cold War

  • The United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki

    The United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki
    8:16 a.m. Japanese time, an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, drops the world's first atom bomb
  • US drops bomb on Hiroshima

    second atom bomb is dropped on Japan by the United States, at Nagasaki, resulting finally in Japan’s unconditional surrender.
  • Japanese surrender End of World War II

  • Defeat of Germany

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Truman demands Russia leave Iran

  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    American foreign policy to stop Soviet imperialism
  • NATO ratified

    NATO ratified
    an organization formed in Washington, D.C. (1949), comprising the 12 nations of the Atlantic Pact
  • Truman Approved HBomb development

    Truman Approved HBomb development
    a weapon theorized to be hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan during World War II.
  • Warsaw pact formed

    Warsaw pact formed
    collective defense treaty among eight communist states of Central and Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War, led by the USSR
  • JFK elected president

    JFK elected president
    At the age of 43, Kennedy was the youngest man elected president and the first Catholic
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA
  • Cease fire in Vietnam between North Vietnam and United States

  • President Nixon resigns

    President Nixon resigns
    due to the Watergate Scandal- break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters
  • Germany reunited

  • End of Soviet Union and the Cold War Ends

    End of Soviet Union and the Cold War Ends