Cold war era events

  • Berlin Blockade 7

    Berlin Blockade 7
    A crisis in which the soviet union put a blockade on all means of travel of berlin to the west. this caused allied people in berlin to be trapped with no way to get supplies. The allies then had to airlift supplies into berlin for 11 months until stalin lifted the blockade
  • Korean War 4

    Korean War 4
    War between north korea and south korea. the north was supplied by the soviet union and the south by the US. the south was fighting the communist north trying to keep its freedom. when the war ended the borders were almost the same as the beginning
  • Vietnam war 1

    Vietnam war 1
    The United states and the vietcong fought over the non communist areas of vietnam. the communist viet cong tried to take over vietnam and eventually became successful using guerilla warfare tactics.
  • Suez canal crisis 8

    Suez canal crisis 8
    An international crisis where the US and Britain didn't fund the Egyptian Aswan high dam because of their growing relations with communist countries. This caused the Egyptian president to take control of the suez canal. this was an issue because they now had the power to shut down petroleum shipments.
  • The space race 2

    The space race 2
    The US and the soviet union were fighting to get to space. the soviet union made it to space first but the main goal of putting a man on the moon was fist achieved by the US.
  • U-2 incident 5

    U-2 incident 5
    the US confronted the soviet union for shooting down and american reconnaissance plane over russia for no reason.
  • Cuban missile crisis 3

    Cuban missile crisis 3
    A crisis when russia decided that the US would take no action against building nuclear missile bases in cuba. if launched the missiles could take minutes to reach the east coast. the US was extremely angry and they were on the edge of war for a while.
  • Yom kippur war 9

    Yom kippur war 9
    The war broke out on the jewish holiday yom kippur. egypt and syria were fighting and eventually drew in the US and Russia because they were allied with opposing forces.
  • Soviet war in afghanistan 6

    Soviet war in afghanistan 6
    The soviet union and afghanistan had government ties. the afghanistan government started closing ties with the communist government. The social reforms in afghanistan caused russia to invade them and make them communist.
  • Able archer military exercise 11

    Able archer military exercise 11
    NATO heald a military exercise during the rising nuclear tensions between the warsaw pact and nato to prepare soldiers just in case,
  • soviet downing of korean airline flight 007 10

    soviet downing of korean airline flight 007 10
    A passenger jet was shot down by russia anti aircraft weapons killing everyone on board for no reason.