Cold War

  • United Nations Formed

    United Nations Formed
    The United Nations is a international organization founded after WW2. It contains 51 countries all in search of international peace, friendly relationships, and promoting social progress.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman established that the U.S. would support with political, military, and economic assistance to other democratic countries in need.
  • Hollywood 10

    Hollywood 10
    The Hollywood Ten was 10 industry members who refused to testify to an anti-communist group.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was U.S. aid provided to Western Europe after WW2. They provided $13.3 Billion in economic recovery to Europe.
  • NATO Formed

    NATO Formed
    NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization which protects the people and territories of the 32 members between Europe and North America.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North Korea invaded South Korea to unify Korea as a communist country. The U.S. got involved with this because they believed the USSR and China had a part.
  • U.S. Official enters Vietnam War

    U.S. Official enters Vietnam War
    South Vietnam was a democratic region which the U.S. intervened with to protect it from the rest of Communist Vietnam.
  • Space Race/Sputnik

    Space Race/Sputnik
    The USSR launched Sputnik into space which became the first artificial satellite in space. This made them win the Space Race between them and the U.S.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The U.S. invaded Cuba to fight against the revolutionary side of Fidel Castro.
  • Berlin Wall goes Up

    Berlin Wall goes Up
    The East was Soviet Controlled and the German Government built the wall to not let people escape West.
  • Soviets Invade Afghanistan

    Soviets Invade Afghanistan
    The Soviets intervened in the Afghan war supporting the communist side vs. Muslim guerillas.
  • Berlin Wall goes down

    Berlin Wall goes down
    The fall of the wall was Germany's first step to reunification. It allowed for German People to travel freely to the West.