cold war final dennis cavanaugh

  • yalta

    The Yalta conference occured in 1945. The leaders Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met to decide how they wanted to separate Germany among the three allies (Russia, England and USA). Around this time marks the beginning of the Cold War. The division of Germany created tension between the super powers.
  • communist coup in czechoslovakj

    communist coup in czechoslovakj
    Under pressure from the Czechoslovakian Communist Party, President Eduard Benes allows a communist-dominated government to be organized
  • korea war

    korea war
    The Korean War was a conflict betweent North Korea and South Korea. The United Nations helped aid South Korea while China helped aid North Korea. The Korean war connects to the cold war because once again the conflict spawned from communist prevention. The United Nations wanted to protect North Korea from taking over South Korea and making their country a communist country.
  • west germny joins NATO

    west germny joins NATO
    west germany joins the NATO,west germany joined the NATO organization to stop soviet union from expanding.
  • space race

    space race
    The Space Race was a competition between the Unites States and the Soviet Union over which country would get to space first. The first instance of success in space was the Soviet Unions launch of Sputnik, a satellite. The Space Race ended with the United States launching the first man on the moon, Niel Armstrong. The Space Race connects to the cold war because it was another advancement that the United States and the Soviet Union competed for.
  • Eisenhower

    Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States from 1953 until 1961, and the last U.S. President to have been born in the 19th century.
  • cuba

    The Cuban Revolution was an armed revolt conducted by Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement and its allies against the U.S.-backed authoritarian government of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista.
  • U-2 Spy Plane Affair

    U-2 Spy Plane Affair
    Francis Garry Powers was killed in a plane crash. He was the piolate of a U-2 airplane. There is suspicions related to the actual cause of the plane crash. It is believed by some the he was shot down by the Soviets. Some believe it may have been a technical issue. The crash related to the cold war because the Americans were spying on the Soviets to acquire information on the Soviet's developmental progress on nuclear weapons.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This event was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war. The Soviet Union planted missiles in Cuba that if lanuched would land in the United States. President Kennedy ordered their removal or else he would invade Cuba. The weapons were dismantled.
  • Hotline

    The hotline was created so the United States and Russia could communicate quickly in order to prevent delayed information. This relates to the cold war for despire our conflict the the Soviets, it was crucial that information be recieved on time so misinterpretations would not occurr.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    The war was initiatied by Israeli's Defence Minister. The war was between Syria, Jordan and Egypt. The United Nations went to the Suez region but the Isreali's wanted them out. The Israel's won the Six Day War. This event connects to the growing conflicts within the middle east.
  • SALT

    SALT stands for Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. The treaty was designed to contain the arms race particularly between the USSR and the United States. The goal was to achieve a supression of weapons use.
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    This recognized the borders of Europe pre-World War and declared that the borders go back to thier original positions. Because of this the concepts of human rights, freedom and individuality were relevant again. Supression of the people was no longer encouraged or made easy.
  • Death of Mao

    Death of Mao
    Mao suffered a series of heart attacks in 1976, dying in that September, aged 82
  • Carter administration

    Carter administration
    In January 1977 Jimmy Carter succeeded Gerald Ford as President after defeating the incumbent in a close election. The economy was in a recession when Carter came to Washington.
  • soviet union collaps

    soviet union collaps
    After a series of revolutions in Soviet Bloc states, and a failed coup by conservative elements opposed to the ongoing reforms, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
  • U.S. troops sent to Lebanon

    U.S. troops sent to Lebanon
    s US Marines spilled from landing craft onto the beach
  • Perestroika and Glasnost

    Perestroika and Glasnost
    Perestrioka means revolution and glasnost means openness. The words were used by Mikhail Gorbachev to describe his expectations for new renovations in Russia. Gorbachev started to build democracy in Russia post Cold War while using these terms. month and day not accurate
  • INF Treaty

    INF Treaty
    This treaty was between the USA and the Soviet Union. The agreement to eliminate intermediate and short range missles. The plan was concocted by President Ronald Regan and Gorbachev.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall divided West and East Germany, or democracy and communism during the Cold War. The wall was built on August 13th 1961 and fell November 9th, 1989. The Soviet's had control over East Germany while the United States, Great Britain and the French.
  • Communist leaders elected in Poland and Hungary

    Communist leaders elected in Poland and Hungary
    proposed Władysław Gomułka election for the First