Cold War history

  • Conferencia of Yalta

    Conferencia of Yalta
    Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin met from February 4 to 11, 1945 in Yalta, Ukraine, to define the fate of Europe and the international community after the war. The main topics discussed were the democratization of the countries in Eastern Europe, the division of Germany, the war against Japan, the payment of reparations to the USSR and the creation of the UN.
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    Greek civil war

    It was the first case of a communist insurrection after World War II, so it can be considered the first war conflict of the Cold War. The victory of the government's anti-communist forces led to Greece's entry into NATO and helped define the strategic balance in the Aegean Sea and the Balkans in postwar Europe.
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    Cold war

  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Plan to reactivate the European economy to ensure stability of capitalism. Was successful; The GNP of the countries involved grew from 15 to 25% and agricultural production grew
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Plan to help Greece and Turkey economically and militarily and keep the USSR out of these countries. Britain no longer has the capacity to help those countries, showing the bipolarity of the conflict.
  • Block of Berlín

    Block of Berlín
    France, the United Kingdom and the United States united their occupation zones in the Trizonia. In protest, the USSR withdrew from the Allied Control Council and blocked communication routes between Berlin and the West, announcing on June 24 that the capital was passing under Soviet rule. The United Kingdom and the United States established an air bridge with Berlin, which was protected by the threat of the atomic bomb.
  • Creatión of the OTAN

    Creatión of the OTAN
    OTAN was and remains a military alliance led by the United States that included several Western European countries. The creation of NATO was a direct response to United States concerns about Soviet aggression in Europe.
  • División of germany

    División of germany
    The wall was built after World War II (1939-1945). When the Allied side managed to defeat the Nazi regime, the winning countries divided Germany into two: the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR).
  • Explosion of the first Soviet atomic bomb

    Explosion of the first Soviet atomic bomb
    . After the bombing of Japan, the Soviets began construction of a copy
    almost exact of the “Fat Man” bomb that
    e had been launched in Nagasaki. .
    The news disconcerted the US and accelerated the arms race
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    War of Korea

    After WWII, it was occupied by the Soviets (north) and Americans (south).
    In 1949 both withdrew and the division of the two Koreas took place: communist North Korea and pro-Western South Korea.
    In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea and the UN sent North American troops who denied the invasion and began expansion towards the north. But Chinese intervention forced them to retreat.
    The conflict ended with the peace of Panmunjom (1953) which divided the two, along the 38th parallel.
  • Death of Stalin and entry of Khrushchev

    Death of Stalin and entry of Khrushchev
    With the death of Stalin, the communist party is now the center of power again. Khrushchev publicly denounces Stalin's communist policies and meets with Einstein, where he decides to reduce Russian troops by 600,000 units.
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    The space race

    In 1957 the United States was shaken when the Soviets placed the Sputnik satellite in orbit. . The Soviets gained ground by putting a man in space in 1961. The Americans would go beyond the Moon and develop the space shuttle, while the Soviets would create the first International Space Station.
  • Creation of the pact of Warsaw

    Creation of the pact of Warsaw
    Warsaw Pact was a military alliance formed by the countries of Eastern Europe to counter the threat of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and in response to the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and its entry into this organization military.
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    War of Vietnam

    This war confronted the communist government of North Vietnam (China and the Soviet Union) in South Vietnam (USA).
    This arose from the First Indochina War in 1946, in which French troops fought against the "Viet Minh".
    Most of the funding for the war was provided by the US.
    After almost ten years of war, social rejection, miles of casualties... forced the United States to withdraw its troops from South Vietnam.
  • Soviet invasion of Hungary

    Soviet invasion of Hungary
    Hungary marked the failure of US attempts to liberate Eastern Europe by encouraging the overthrow of communist governments. But the Soviet use of force led to an erosion of their state and raised questions about whether they could continue their economic influence. andmilitary over the Warsaw Pact countries
  • Crisis of the canal of Suez

    Crisis of the canal of Suez
    refers to the invasion of Egypt It was a conflict between Egypt, on the one hand, and Israel, Great Britain, and France, on the other. Egyptian President Gamal Nasser's announcement of his plans to nationalize the Suez Canal sparked the conflict
  • Crisis of Cuba

    Crisis of Cuba
    The Cold War reached its peak with the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Soviet Union had installed nuclear missiles in Cuba, prompting an immediate response from the United States. The crisis was resolved peacefully after the Soviet Union removed missiles from Cuba in exchange for a U.S. commitment not to invade Cuba and to remove U.S. missiles from Turkey.
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    After the Cuban Missile Crisis, the two superpowers sought to reduce tensions and improve bilateral relations. La Détente was a period of relaxation of tensions and the signing of disarmament agreements between the Soviet Union and the United States.
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    War of Afganistán

    time in which the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, aided economically and militarily by the Soviet Union, faced the mujahideen insurgents (fundamentalist Islamic fighters from Afghanistan and other nationalities)The mujahideen were helped by numerous foreign countries, notably United States, who provided them with enormous amounts of weapons and money.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Soviets could not sustain themselves economically. led to people leaving East Germany through countries like hungary and made the wall obsolete, even before it was finally torn down
  • Desintegración of the USSR

    Desintegración of the USSR
    Disintegration of the federal political structures and the central government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which culminated in the independence of the fifteen Republics of the Soviet Union between March 11, 1990 and December 26, 1991.