cold war key terms

  • Ray kroc

    Ray Kroc was an american business man and he purchased the rights from the McDonald brothers and spread the restaurant world wide.
  • Richard Nixon

    Nixon was the 37th president of the US,
  • Jonas Salk

    Jonas salk was an american medical researcher and virologist, he discovered and developed one of the first polio vaccine
  • Betty friendan

    american writer, activist and feminist and was a leading figure in the women's movement
  • HUAC

    anyone suspected of being a member of the communist party was persecuted and interrogated
  • gi bill 1944

    the G.I. Bill was created to help veterans of World War II. It established hospitals, made low-interest mortgages available and granted stipends covering tuition and expenses for veterans
  • Iron curtain

    The Iron Curtain was the name for the boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II
  • Containment Policy

    Thought up by the US diplomat george kennan, it's the american policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world
  • Truman Doctrine

    First established in 1947 by president truman after britain could no longer afford to provide anti-communist aid to greece and turkey.
  • Marshall plan

    American Initiative to aid western europe, in which the US gave over $13 billion in economic assistance to help western europe restore buildings after WWII
  • Cold War

    was a conflict between russia and the US because of satellites and allies
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Blockade was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of post–World War II
  • NATO

    NATO stands for North Atlantic Free Trade Organization. This was an alliance formed between the North American countries, (Canada, USA, and Mexico) and some countries in Europe.
  • McCarthyism

    Practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard of evidence
  • Rock n' roll

    Rock n' roll during the cold war was with lyrics about the war and things like that
  • 1950s prosperity

    the economy rose up by 37% overall and so the US gain a lot of money
  • rust belt vs sun belt

    the migration of hundreds of thousands of Americans from the Northern and Midwestern Rust Belt to the Southern Sun Belt.
  • baby boom generation

    people that were born in the 1940s and around that age
  • Beatnik

    a young person in the 1950s and early 1960s belonging to a subculture associated with the beat generation.
  • Korean war

    was a war between North Korea and South Korea, the US supported south korea because north korea wanted communism and the US didn't like Communism
  • Rosenberg trail

    The Rosenburge Spy Case was about a husband and wife, Julius and Ethel accused of being soviet spies
  • Dwight D. Einsenhower

    Eisenhower was an American army general and statesman who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961
  • Domino theory

    the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, like a falling domino causing an entire row of upended dominoes to fall.
  • Vietnam War

    The Vietnam war wa caused through the attempt to stop the spread of communism. It was the United States and help of the South Vietnamese against the Northern Vietnamese.
  • Interstate Highway Act

    law authorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network of interstate highways that would span the nation
  • sputnik

    Sputnik was the first artificial earth satellite launched by the soviet union
  • Space race

    The Space Race was a competition between the Unites States and the Soviet Union over which country would get to space first
  • Bay of pigs

    The Bay of Pigs was JFK's failed attempt to overthrow the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    This event was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war. The Soviet Union planted missiles in Cuba that if lanuched would land in the United States.
  • John F. Keneddy

    John kennedy was the 35th president of the US and was assassinated in 1963
  • anti-war movement

    anti war movement was a movement to do less war and do more drugs or at least just stop doing unnecessary wars
  • Gulf of tolkin resolution

    Gulf of tolkin resolution was when president johnson decided to do anything to keep peace and order in southeast asia
  • great society

    The Great Society was a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by Democratic President Lyndon B Johnson
  • Tet offensive 1968

    This event caused the necessity for the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • Moon landing

    The United States led during the "Moon race" by landing Neil Armstrong
  • Vietnamization

    Nixon wanted to encourage native Southern Vietnamese people tp fight in the war against Nothern Vietnamese and take mor responsibilty in their battle against communism.
  • 26th amendment

    US citizens that are 18 years or older shall not be denied to the right to vote.
  • War Power Act

    Federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the US to an armed conflict without the consent of the US congress