Cold War Timeline

  • Creation of the U.N

    The United Nations was established by 51 countries vowing to international peace between each other. This included better human rights, and better living standards. The creation of the United Nations probably prevented many wars.
  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference was when Roosevelt, Churchhill, and Stalin met at Yalta on the Black Sea in February 1945. They discussed the final stategy and crucial questions concerning postwar Germany, Eastern Europe & Asia. They agreed Poland, Bulgaria, & Romania would hold free elections. They also decided that eastern countries would be democratic.
  • Potsdam Conference

    The Postdam Conference was held to decide how Germany was going to be divided up, It was shared into 4 sections amongst the U.S, France, Soviet Union, and Great Britian. It was a big part og the economic crisis that happened later on.
  • End of World War II

    The morning of WWII Japan surrendered because this was a fight they knew they couldn't win after the two bombs was dropped in their country. The surrending of Japan saved lives ,money, & time
  • House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

    HUAC investigated the threat of someone overpowering the goverment. The government abolished this committee in 1975.
  • The Beginning of the Baby Boom

    The Baby Boom caused a very good increase in the economy When soldiers returned from WWII, many couples decided to have children which dramatically increased the population. Many baby related companies were doing very well.
    But now, the Baby Boom is a contribution to the dramatic drop in the economy & social secruity funds are running very low on money.
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare was a certain time era when people were terrified of communist invading and overthrowing the United States. McCarthynism sparked the fear and alerted many U.S. citizens.
  • Hollywood Ten

    The Hollywood Ten was a group of American directors and writers accused of being communist and ws "blacklisted" by Hollywood. Forcing them to loose a lot of work. Many went under a different identity,
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan was when the U,S gave money to Western Europe to help their economic stance. America gave 13 billion dollars to Western Europe countries. When the Marshall plan ended, the countries getting aid were left in a better economy than before WWII.
  • Formation of NATO

    In April 1949, 12 nations established the North Alantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to stop the spread of communism and agreed that "war against one, is a war against all".
  • McCarthyism

    When Joseph McCarthy came out with a speech saying he had a list of 205 names from the state department that are supposed communist. But he had no proof of such. He identified them by their drinking problems and sexual preferences.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War was between North and South Korea over political differences. The rival countries became incredibly pushed to the limit and the North invaded the South. The United Nations made all N. Korea forces fall back because the U.N. declared it was an act of aggression. South Korea quickly got aid. The war was widely disliked.
    When Former President Eisenhower won the election, he vowed to end the Korean War, So on July 27, 1953 an Armistice agreement was signed.
  • Rosenberg Trial

    The Rosen bergs were suspected communist spies. The trial began March 6, 1951 and ended March 28th.
    Julius and Ethel were sentenced to death and were exucuted on June 19, 1953.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    This was support from many East Europe countires helping spread communism and stopping the spread of Democratic Nations in a communist country.
  • The Truman Doctrine