Cold War Timeline

  • End of World War II

    This war changed the nation in many ways. World War II fought to the bitter end.
  • Yalta Conference

    Strategy between Roosevelt, Churchhill, and Stalin. These three agreed Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria. Stalin never kept his promise, that they should hold free elections.
  • Potsdam Conference

    The big 3 met in the Berlin town, and they agreed to divide Germany into 4 areas. The areas were the USSR, America, Britian, and France.
  • HUAC

    (1938-1945) This was the House of American Activities Commitee. They refused to answer questions invoking the %th Amendment Right. The commitee questioned the government.
  • United Nation Creation

    The United Nations were created form for all nations. This was ffound after World War II.
  • Red Scare

    fear of communist working to defeat American life. Took place in 1917. This started after World War II. More intense then World War I, this war was led by Truman to create a program in 1947.
  • Marshall Plan

    This plan offered economic aid to Western Europe. When Harry Truman appointed George Marshall.
  • Truman Doctrine

    When Truman asked houses to aid Turkey and Greese, in there struggle with communism.
  • Hollywood Ten

    This was a group of writers, producers, and direrectors from movies. They were sent to jail, and this blacklist ended in the 1960's.
  • Formation of NATO

    NATO provided military alliance to protect countires from Soviet expansion.
  • McCarthyism

    This was named after General McCarthy, because he didnt like communism. He later accused the U.S army of being full communists, and he didnt like that.
  • Baby Boom

    This was when a huge amount of babies were being born, so of course they wanted to celebrate somehow, so they had kids. The population had gone up at least 26%. This event lasted from 1946-1964.
  • Korean War (beginning and end)

    An attempt between North and South Korea, where the battled at least 3 times trying to take over each others land, the result is it ended up on the 38th parellel, and North and South Korea ended up getting equall amount of land. There was no victory in this war, because nobody won.
  • Rosenburgs

    This was a trial for a poor couple, Ethel and Julius Rosenburg. They were tried of being communist spies. And they were accused of being a big threat.
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    U.S wasnt the only community to have nuclear weapons. This Race developed by 1952.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    This was a pact to assist each other if they were ever attacked by other countries. Yogoslavia did not join this pact.