Colin and Cole timeline

  • U.S and Canada Sign Agreement to Protect Niagra Falls

    U.S and Canada Sign Agreement to Protect Niagra Falls
    On This Day:International Pact Preserves Niagra Falls On January 2, 1929, U.S. and Canada sign an agreement to protect Niagra Falls by diverting Niagra River.
  • St. Valentines Day Massacre

    St. Valentines Day Massacre
    St. Valentines Day Massacre Gang violence was rising on the streets of Chicago during the 20's. On February 14, 1929 Al Capone was planning to eliminate his enemies in illegal bootlegging, prostitution, and gambling. It rose to a climax when 7 men related to the rival of Al Capone, George Morgan, were shot by men dressed as police. The massacre was never linked to Capone but it was widely considered to be him.
  • First Roller Coaster

    First Roller Coaster
    First Roller Coaster
    This was the first roller coaster. It made its debut at Coney Island. It was capable of 60 mph. With a 80ft drop
  • Wall Street

    Wall Street
    Glossary of Events: Wall Street Crash On October 28, 1929 The Wall Street Crash occured when the U.S. stock market crashed and triggered 10 years of ecnonomic slump known as Th Great Depression.
  • The Great Depression causing unemployment from 3 million to 6 million

    The Great Depression causing unemployment from 3 million to 6 million
    The Great Depression In 1929, the stock market crashed causing a time period of great economic problems. Unemployment in the U.S. rose from 3 million to 6 million people.
  • Pluto Discovered

    Pluto Discovered
    Pluto Discovered
    Pluto was discovered by an assistant at the Lowell observatory. Becoming the ninth planet in our solar system.
  • Salt march

    Salt march
    Gandhi's salt march
    Gandhi led people to the beach picked up salt and held it up to show the protest on salt
  • The Star Spangled Banner becomes official U.S. National Anthem

    The Star Spangled Banner becomes official U.S. National Anthem
    Star Spangled Banner
    The Star Spangled Banner is still our national anthem and was based off of a British tune.
  • Empire State Building Opens

    Empire State Building Opens
    Empire State Building
    The Empire State building is a major tourist attraction standing at 1,250 feet tall
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    Amelia Earhart
    Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic solo and the first person to fly across the Atlantic twice
  • Paul Von Hindenburg wins election

    Paul Von Hindenburg wins election
    German Presidential election
    Reich president Paul von Hindenburg wins the 1932 election, but Hitler receives 37% of the votes
  • Legendary Physcisist Albert Einstein Granted Visa to Enter USA

    Legendary Physcisist Albert Einstein Granted Visa to Enter USA
    Albert Einstein Granted Visa On December 5, 1932, Albert Einstein was granted a visa that allowed him to enter the United States.