
By GT1000
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


    Colonisation is other countries taking over land and making it theirs.
  • First Offical Sighting

    First Offical Sighting
    In the late Febuary of 1606, Dutch Expolorer Willem Janszoon sailed his ship the Duyfken to Australia. Making the first documented landing in Australia, he sailed the coast of Papa New Guinea, missed Torres Strait and explored part of the western side of Cape York. Which he charted.
  • Ships Sail the Coasts of Australia

    Ships Sail the Coasts of Australia
    Between 1607 and 1770 an estimation of 54 ships sailed then charted the coasts of Australia. Many of these ships belonged to Dutchman Abel Tasman, who charted the north, west and south coasts of Australia. Which was then knowen as New Holland.
  • First discovery of Tasmania

    First discovery of Tasmania
    On the 24th of November in 1642, the dutch explorer Abel Tasman discovered Tasmania. Who named the island after his sponser Anthoonij Van Diemeslandt, the Goverenor of the Dutch East Indies.
  • Britian Claims East Coast of Australia

    Britian Claims East Coast of Australia
    In 1770, Captain Cook charted the East Coast of Australia. Captain Cook claimed the East Coast under instruction of King George III of England on the 22nd of August 1770. Naming Easten Austrlia New South Wales.
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet
    On the 13th of May 1787, 11 ships carried convicts from Portsmouth England to Botany Bay. The 11 ships arrived in Botany Bay in 1788.
  • Chickenpox Effects Aborigines

    Chickenpox Effects Aborigines
    In 1789, the convicts spread Chikenpox to the Aborigines. It spread from the Northern Cost. Killing more than half of the Aborigines.
  • The Death Fleet

    The Death Fleet
    In June 1790 the Second Fleet arrived. It is called the death fleet beacause 278 covicts and crew died on their voyage to Australia.
  • NSW Convict Population Increases to 5000

    NSW white population is close to 5000. Neraly three quarters are provided with goods.
  • The Stolen Generation

    The Stolen Generation
    The Victorian Board For the Protection of Aborigenes is established. The Government can remove any half caste child from their famlies. To be housed in dormitories.
  • The Stolen Generation

    The Stolen Generation
    Other states make the same act as Victoria. New South Wales 1883, Queensland 1897, Western Australia 1905 and South Australia 1911.
  • Federation

    On the 1st of Janurary 1901 Australia became an indenpendent. When the British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Sorry Day

    Sorry Day
    On May the 26th 1998, the first Sorry Day was held. After in 1997 when a report was made called "Bringing them Home" about the removal of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islander children from their familes. Now every year on May the 26th we say sorry.