
By asa2143
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse builds the first long distance electric telegraph line.The public does not know this but this will be a building block for further technology.
  • Telegrams

    The first telegraphic message was "What Hath God Wrought."This technology will survive to still be used today.
  • Telephone

    The first telephone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell. It was a huge step in telephone technology.
  • Radios

    The first radio used mostly crystals as main components. This was a new way for messages to be received.
  • Television Signal

    Television Signal
    John Logie Baird transmits the first television signal.This was a new way for the public to recieve news.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    Swedish police used the first cell phone. The technology is advancing in the telephone technology.
  • Cell Phones

    Cell Phones
    The first official cell phone was made. This revolutionised communication for the public.
  • E-mail

    The first spam email was sent. This communication technology is still used today.