Communicative Competence

  • Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky
    For Chomsky, communicative competence was the center on the ideal speaker-listener established in a completely homogeneous speaking community that knows their language perfectly and is not affected by grammatical mistakes when applying their knowledge of the language to the actual performance.
  • Michael Halliday

    Michael Halliday
    Halliday suggested seven functions to allow effective communication through the interaction such us: Instrumental (language as a tool), regulatory (language to control the behavior), interpersonal (language to establish interactions), personal (language to express emotions), heuristic (language to resolve problems), imaginative (language to create), and representative (language to transmit information).
  • Dell Hymes

    Dell Hymes
    For Hymes, communicative competence is the way of producing and understanding sentences that are appropriate and acceptable to a particular situation. Eight components of linguistic interaction, He established eight interaction components in linguistics through an acronym named "SPEAKING"; places and times, participants, ends, act, instrumentalities, norms, and gender makes an important part of effective communication.
  • William Labov

    William Labov
    For Labov, the social factors interfere in the effective communication of a speaker without forgetting grammar and production complement this process. This competence co-varies with the speaker (dual competence in reception and single competence in production.)
  • Wilga Rivers

    Wilga Rivers
    According to Rivers, in the skills-getting stage, the student must learn to articulate acceptably and construct comprehensible language sequences and by rapidly associations of learned elements. In the skills-using stage, the student should be alone and not supported or directed by the teacher; he may be working with another student or with a small group of students.
  • Swain and Canale

    Swain and Canale
    Swain and Canale, established three competence to allow the communicative competence supporting in Hymes model such us: grammatical (include lexical items and rules of morphology), sociolinguistic (rules to use and apply the discourse) and strategic (highlight the verbal and non- verbal communication) those to remember meanings and no words ineffective communication.
  • Hans Heinrich Stern

    Hans Heinrich Stern
    Stern says that language teaching must and may approach language learning objectively and analytically through the study and practice of structural, functional, and sociocultural aspects. It should offer opportunities to live the language as a personal experience through direct contact with the target language community.
  • Henry Widdowson

    Henry Widdowson
    Widdowson, presented a mix between linguistic skills and communicative abilities, exposing four terms and their difference such us: use(The ability to use that knowledge), usage(knowledge of linguistic rules), significance(meaning of the sentences isolated from a particular situation), and value (meaning of the sentences when they are used to communicate).
  • Bochman and Palmer

    Bochman and Palmer
    They propose organizing the communicative competence in two different components. Organizational Knowledge: it's the way how the speech is organized since its minimal units, as a sentence, going through the phrase and finishing in the text. Pragmatic Knowledge: Our ability to interpret and properly use the social meaning of linguistic varieties. Idiomatic expressions / cultural references / dialects.
  • Mauricio Pilleux

    Mauricio Pilleux
    The communicative competence "We can interpret and properly use the social meaning of the linguistic varieties, from any circumstance, about the functions and varieties of the language and with the cultural assumptions in the communication situation."
  • Liliana Maturana Patarroyo

    Liliana Maturana Patarroyo
    Communicative competence can be defined as “a globalizing construct that encompasses the skills, abilities, and knowledge that the language used must use to effectively interact in various social contexts.”