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Communism in Russia

  • Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto

    Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto
    The Manifesto spurs an increase of radical ideas in Russian society
  • Russia loses the Russo-Japanese War

    Czarist Russia loses a humiliating war to an "inferior" race, the Japanese. This gives material to revolutionary elements among the Russian people.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    Military failures on the Eastern Front stir discontent in Russia's cities
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates
    The Czarist Government is overthrown by peasants, proletariats, and disgruntled soldiers. A Provisional Government is installed.
  • The October Revolution

    The October Revolution
    Bolshevik forces in Petrograd overthrow the Provisional Government and declare a Communist State.
  • Beginning of Russian Civil War

    Beginning of Russian Civil War
    An armed conflict between the Bolshevik Reds and the anti-communist Whites, who were supported by foreign nations. The Reds had the support of the people and were eventually victorious.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    A treaty signed by the Bolsheviks and the Central Powers, ending Russia's commitment to the war and isolating her from France and Britain
  • End of Russian Civil War

    End of Russian Civil War
    With popular support, the Reds are able to defeat the foreign based, capitalist Whites.
  • Inauguration of the New Economic Policy

    Inauguration of the New Economic Policy
    The New Economic Policy was created by Lenin to restart the Russian economy, which had been brought to a standstill by the Civil War. He mixed in a few capitalistic policies in able to restart the economy.
  • Stalin replaces Lenin as leader of the USSR

    Stalin replaces Lenin as leader of the USSR
    Following Vladimir Lenin's death, after a brief interim ruling council, Josef Stalin was chosen as the new leader of the USSR
  • The First Five Year Plan is started

    The First Five Year Plan is started
    In an audacious scheme to rapidly industrialize the USSR, Stalin orders that it must be done within five years. Millions die of starvation as a result
  • USSR joins the League of Nations

    USSR joins the League of Nations
    Under Stalin, the USSR finally joins the international body, the League of Nations
  • Spanish Civil War erupts

    Following the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, the USSR sends troops and materials to aid the Spanish Republican forces. However, the Spanish Fascists win, supported by Fascist Germany and Italy.
  • Hitler and Stalin broker a non-aggression agreement

    After being isolated by Britain and France during negotiations, Stalin and the USSR offer a non-aggression agreement to Nazi Germany who is keen to avoid a two front war
  • Germany invades the USSR

    Germany invades the USSR
    Desiring yet more territory, the Nazis break the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and invade the USSR
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Following numerous Nazi victories on the Eastern Front, the Soviets finally win at the battle of Stalingrad, turning the tide of World War II
  • Berlin is taken

    Berlin is taken
    The Red Army enters Berlin and defeat all troops stationed there. They take the Reichstag and fly the Soviet flag over the city.
  • Germany surrenders

    Upon the defeat of German armies, the taking of Berlin, and Hitler's suicide, Germany surrendered, leading to the splitting up of Germany.
  • Housing Construction

    Housing Construction
    In an attempt to improve the standard of living in Russia, Khrushchev devoted much government funds to build housing. However, this housing was built on the cheap, and was thin-walled, ugly, and poorly constructed.
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin Dies
    Stalin dies, creating infighting and an overwhelming sense of relief for the Russian people.
  • Nikita Khrushchev becomes Premier

    Nikita Khrushchev becomes Premier
    After the death of Stalin, there was a communal rule of the most important government officials until Nikita Khrushchev came out on top. Khrushchev had been a powerful figure in the government for a long time before he became the First Secretary of the Communist Party
  • Virgin Lands Campaign Started

    Another one of Khrushchev's projects was to create arable farmland in Kazakhstan. It was also designed to improve Russia's living conditions
  • Warsaw Pact is signed

    Apparently a mutual aid alliance of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union, and Albania, in reality, the USSR created an empire to rival NATO.
  • USSR suppresses revolts in Hungary and Poland

    Due to Khrushchev's de-Stalinization policies, anti-communist elements in Hungary and Poland rose up in revolt, perhaps thinking they would get independence. Instead, Soviet troops were sent to quell the rebellions.
  • Beginning of Cuban Missile Crisis

    In order to equal American missiles in Turkey aimed at Moscow, the USSR sent missiles in secrecy to it's Communist ally, Cuba.
  • End of Cuban Missile Crisis

    Following a tense international standoff, the Crisis was resolved by the removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba and of US missiles from Turkey
  • Khrushchev is ousted from office

    Khrushchev is ousted from office
    Following numerous failures that embarrassed the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev was voted out of office.
  • Leonid Brezhnev takes office

    Leonid Brezhnev takes office
    After Khrushchev was ousted, another period of communal rule ensued. Leonid Brezhnev defeated all opposition and became the First Secretary of the Communist Party
  • US retreats from Vietnam

    US retreats from Vietnam
    The US is unable and unwilling to hold back the Communist North Vietnamese from taking all of Vietnam
  • Soviet forces exit Afghanistan

    Russia attempted and failed to prop up their satellite state of Afghanistan from Islamic rebels
  • Gorbachev becomes General Secretary

    Gorbachev becomes General Secretary
    After Brezhnev's death, a succession of leaders followed. The last one, Gorbachev, is a reformist who accidentally causes the end of the USSR.
  • Soviet Union Ends.

    Soviet Union Ends.
    Due to increasingly lenient strictures and regional autonomy, the USSR dissolves into multiple independent states.