Computer Literacy Internet Scavenger Hunt

  • 500


    A counting tool.
  • Analytical Machine

    [Analytical ]( mechanical general purpose computer designed by English mathematician.
  • Holes in Cards

    Holes in Cards
    A piece of stiff paper that contained either commands for controlling automated machinery or data for data processing applications.
  • Von Neumann Architecture

    Von Neumann Architecture
    Describes design architecture for an electronic digital computer.

    ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. First electronic general purpose computer.
  • High Level Programming Langauge

    Programming LangaugeAda Lovelace translated the memoir of italian mathematician about the newest machine.

    A line of electronic digital stored- program. Acronym for UNIVsersal Automatic Computer.
  • UNIX Operating System

    A family of multitasking multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T UNIX.
  • PC

    Personal Computer is a general puropse computer whose size, capabilities make it useful for individuals.
  • Altair

    [Altair ]( designed based on the intel 8080 CPU.
  • CRAY-1

    A super computer designed, manufactured and marketed by Cray Research.
  • Apple

    [Apple]( American multinational technology company.
  • First Electronic Spreadsheet

    First spreadsheet computer program for personal computers.
  • Macintosh

    First mass market personal computer.
  • Windows

    [Windows]( user interface for its own operating system.