Conflict and Absolutism in Europe

  • Jul 11, 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg is made

  • Feb 10, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth Ascends the Throne

  • Feb 10, 1566

    King Phillip Attempts to Crush Calvinism in the Netherlands

    King Phillip Attempts to Crush Calvinism in the Netherlands
    And Uprising of Calvanists starts in the Netherlands to attempt to overthrow Phillip and failed. Phillip sent in around 10,000 troops to crush the rebellion.
  • Henry IV issues the Edict of Nantes

    Henry IV issues the Edict of Nantes
    The Edict recognized Catholicism as the official religion of France, but gave Huguenots the right to public worship and all the benefits of holding offices and other positions of power.
  • Queen Elizabeth dies

    Queen Elizabeth dies
  • Thirty Years War Begins

    First fought between the Holy Roman Catholics, and the Protestant nobles in Bohemia. Sweden, Denmark, France, and Spain entered the war, amking it more political. Each country fought for something different, some against the Roman Catholic church or against the Calvanists.
  • The Witchcraft Trials

    The Witchcraft Trials
    The Witchcraft Trials were used as a scapegoat to blame "Witches" for the war and famine of the time. Most convicted were divorced women over the ages of 50, later on, few people wished to interrupt the government on the suspicion of witches, and the hunt ended.
  • Civil War Ensues in Europe

    Civil War Ensues in Europe
  • Witchcraft Trials End

  • Thomas Hobbes Publishes "The Leviathan"

    The Leviathan portrays the government as a great Leviathan that they all must pay tribute to for it's protection of the people. Hobbes argued that humans are motivated by a struggle for self preservation.
  • Monarchy is Restored, Charles II made King

    Monarchy is Restored, Charles II made King
    The army controlled by Oliver Cromwell realized after his death how unpopular they had become and reinacted the monarchy and named Charles II, son of Charles I, king. Charles tried to push his ideas onto the people, some of which were clearly out of line. He soon died and converted to Catholicism on his deathbed
  • James II Becomes King

    James II was an open and devout Catholic and tried to push out Calvanism and other Protestants from England. The Parliament held from rebellion because he was old and his Protestant daughters would take over after him, then he had a Catholic son a few years before his death.
  • William of Orange lands at Torbay

    William of Orange lands at Torbay
  • Fredrick III Becomes King Fredrick I

    Fredrick III Becomes King Fredrick I
  • King Louis XIV Dies

    King Louis XIV Dies
    King Louis XIV ascended the throne at the age of 23 and created a system of strict rules and regulations. He died years later, and showed remorse bytelling his great grandson to not be like him and attend to the needs of his people.