Conflict in Israel

  • The Arab-Israel Conflict

    The Arab-Israel Conflict
    ever since israel was estbalished most countries in the middle eastern refused to know its ruight that continued through the years.
  • Peace agreement in 1973

    Peace agreement in 1973
    six years after the war eventually egypt and israel signed a peace agreement. even after the agreement palenstinian arabs in israel remained a major problem.
  • six day war

    six day war
    the six day war was named after israel took control of the golan heights eventually israel controlled the west bank. egypt and syria were determined to gain there land back so in 1973 they launched the yom kippur war.
  • Recognized israel existed

    Recognized israel existed
    it wasnt until the late 1970s that they recognized israels right to exist. A momentous declaration was made by anwar sadat that egypt wanted peace with israel to facilitate egypt historic peace.
  • negotation in 1993

    negotation in 1993
    in 1993 the plo leader yasser arafat and the israel prime minister negotiated the olso accords to end the violence. this called for the palestinians to gain control over the west bank.