Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    In a failed attempt to try to overthrow the Castro regime, the CIA sent a paramilitary group to the Bay of Pigs
  • Secret Agreement

    In July of 1962, Russian president Nikita Khrushchev, and Cuban president Fidel Castro reached a secret agreement to put nuclear missiles in Cuba.
  • Public Warning

    John F. Kennedy issued a public warining against the introduction of offensive weapons into Cuba. During daily surveliiance routines, Soviet IL-28 bombers were found.
  • Picture

    A U.S U-2 aircraft flying over Cuba took pictures showing nuclear ballistic missiles.
  • Naval "Quarantine"

    After talking with his closest advisers, U.S president John F. Kennedy issued a navl "quarantine" of Cuba. The quarantine is supposed to distinguish that this is not a war zone.
  • A Letter

    A Letter
    U.S president John F. Kennedy sent a letter to Russian president Nikita Khurushchev declaring that the U.S would not permit offensive weapons in Cuba. He then demanded that the Soviets dismantle the missiles.
  • A Russian Response

    A Russian Response
    Khrushchev responded to the letter saying that the U.S "blockade" was an act of aggression and that the Soviet ships bound for Cuba would proceed.
  • Stalemate

    Kennedy insisted on giving the diplomatic channel a little more time and by this point the crisis had reached a virtual stalemate.
  • ABC News Correspondent

    ABC News Correspondent
    ABC News Correspondent, John Scali said that he had been approached by a Soviet who said the Soviets would remove the missiles if the U.S promised to never attack Cuba again.
  • Another Russian Message

    The very next day, Khrushchev sent a message saying that they deal would only be possible if the U.S removed their Jupiter missiles from Turkey.
  • Missiles Removed

    Khrushchev released a public statement that the missiles would be removed from Cuba.
  • Quarantine Removed

    The U.S finally decided to remove their quarantine.
  • U.S Missile Removed

    In April 1963, the U.S removed their Jupiter missiles from Turkey.