CUSD in 2020

By sday
  • Digital Curriculum

    Digital Curriculum
    Newly adopted ELA curriculum will contain integrated digital components, which teachers will use in the classroom.
  • Essential Learning Established

    Essential Learning Established
    Teacher teams at every site will collaborate with one another to establish the essential learnings at their grade level, ensuring that all students have equal access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
  • Online Assessment Tools

    Online Assessment Tools
    There will be widespread use of online assessment systems and tools to identify the edcuational needs of invidual students, and assist in meeting those needs.
  • Common Formative Assessments

    Common Formative Assessments
    The use of teacher-created common formative assessments will be fluid and an every day part of "how we do business".
  • STEAM Spaces

    STEAM Spaces
    All sites will have a STEAM/Maker Space that all classes utilize on a regular basis.
  • Professional Development

    Professional Development
    The way we deliver professional development to teachers will shift. Participating in professional development that involves blended learning, with teachers being able to select from a variety of differentiated learning paths, will become a part of the way we deliver professional development to all teachers. This blended learning model will partially replace more traditional ways of delivering professional development.
  • Blended Learning

    Blended Learning
    Blended learning will be a part of every student's educational experience, with opportunities for flipped learning being created by teachers.
  • Fluid Intervention and Extension

    Fluid Intervention and Extension
    Students will receive intervention and extension on a fluid, regular basis, with teachers across multiple grade levels sharing students based on the skills that they need, as determined by formative assessment.
  • Individualized Learning Pathways

    Individualized Learning Pathways
    We will use all of our resources - including both technological and human resources - in order to create and provide individualized learning pathways to students. These pathways will be tailored to meet each student's unique needs and include their interests and voice in the process.