D&D Organizational Timeline

  • 223

    Arrival of the Tritons

    Tritons arrive in the material plane from the Plane of Water for the first time to do battle against the krakens and sahuagin of the deep.
  • 416

    The Tear

    Magic users of Khorne rise up to open portals to the Abyss and subjugate the non-magic users.
  • 623

    Death of Barros Dahin

    The end of Oswald's previous life, in which he hid his staff in a cliff-face near Caellaur.
  • 630

    Triarchy Created

    The council of Shanyu brokers and alliance with the Gnomes of Raulnor and the Elves of the Three Kingdoms to form the Triarchy.
  • 682

    Start of Campaign 2

    A hexed hunter, a minotaur, and an ancient wizard delve into a cave. Anto and Yanton have fallen under Empire control, Drosa is the last to hold out against them, and the city has been under siege for years.
  • 683

    Fall of Drosa

    After years of holding out against the Empire, Drosa finally falls as the first airships are sent over the walls. This is the last city of the Nymar people to fall under the control of the Empire, cementing the empire's hold over the Nymar lands.