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Dark Ages

  • 235

    Crisis of the 3rd century (Military Anarchy)

    Crisis of the 3rd century (Military Anarchy)
    The crisis of the third century was a major event becuase military leaders took over power and rulers were found dead of unusal causes....
  • 360

    Fall of official paganism

    Fall of official paganism
    Fall of official paganism was when Julian the Apostate attempted to change the religion trend in Rome to Christianity. He failed and died.
  • Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400

    Middle ages

    The Middle ages was a period of time that lasted from the 5th century to the 15th century. This was a time when Europe was in a renaissance and there was a decrease in population. It began with the collapse of the Roman empire.
  • 410

    Sack of Rome

    Sack of Rome
    This date is called the Sack of Rome and some people say this is when Rome “fell”. The Visigoths (A tribe in Ancient Europe) invaded Italy and in the end sacked Rome. This is considered the start of the dark ages
  • Period: 410 to Jan 1, 1066

    Dark Ages

    The dark ages was a period that arguably lasted from about 476 to 1000 AD. The ‘dark ages’ is a term that historians give this period of time because of its cultural, educational and religious depression. All learning and further development of cities came to a steep decline.
    A good link :
  • 453

    Death of Attila the Hun

    Death of Attila the Hun
    Attila the Hun was born in 406 and died in 453
    Attila ruled the Hunnic empire from 434-453 when he died. The hunnic empire was strong in war and won almost very battle including against Rome and other parts of Italy. Attila only ever lost one battle which was, Catalaunian battle in 451.
    Below is a short clip that I found about Attila and the hunnic empire, a biography:
    Another link:
  • 476

    Fall of the last emperor of Rome

    Fall of the last emperor of Rome
    Fall of the last Emperor.
    'Romulus Augustus was the son of Orestes who once had been an assistant to Attila the Hun, and who had at times been sent on diplomatic visits to Constantinople.
    After Attila's death, Orestes joined the service of the western
    empire and quickly achieved senior position.' (
  • 507

    The Franks defeat the vigoths

    The Franks defeat the vigoths
    The franks under clovis defeat the visgoths in the battle of vouille, spring 507. The franks were being commaned by clovis and the visgoths by Alaric II.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    End of viking age

    End of viking age
    The vikings were defeated in 1066 by England's army lead by King Harold Godwinson. When the vikings were defeated, Europe is said to have come out of the 'dark ages' as the constant raids stopped and there was a increase in populat
    'The loss of this battle is sometimes used to symbolize the end of the Viking Age. At this point the Vikings stopped expanding their territory and raiding became less frequent.' (ducksters, history middle ages)
  • Jan 1, 1095

    Start of the crusades

    Start of the crusades
    1095 – 1291
    The crudases was a conquest sent by Pope urban II to take back the holy land, Middle east. The military attacks were against the muslims (another Monotheistic religion) that were living and also called Jeurslam as their holy land. The christian army consisisted of over 30,000 men and they said the phrase "god wills it". The wars were not only about religion, but also money, land, food and power.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta signed

    Magna Carta signed
    The magna carta was signed in 1215 by King John, in runneymead medow. King John was forced to sign the document by the barons that had rebelled against him and his rules. It is un certain when the magna carta was officialy put into laws and place becuase as diffferent kings came each one had different opions on the rules. The magna carta was and still is one of the top three most important documents in the world.
  • Jan 1, 1346

    Start of the Black death, plague

    Start of the Black death, plague
    The plague was a disease that affected Europe enormously. The illness or infection was carried by rodents and as the Europe contunued trade as normal the rodents travelled and spread the disease.
    This encouraged the dark ages, although the event was not actually in the time period of the dark ages.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    End of mini Ice age

    End of mini Ice age
    Between the years of 1150 and 1460 there was a cooling in the cliamte. This affected the agrictulure and lifestyle of western Europe.
  • Tetrachy

    Tetrarchy was when the Roman Empire split in two and Diocletian and Maximian (the two rulers at the time) stepped down from the throne and a civil war began. The link below talks about a different event of tetrachy although it explains the basis of what would of happened.
  • East and West Rome untied

    East and West Rome untied
    Theodosius reunites east and west Rome, but it does not last beyond his death and reign. His sons divide the empire once again.
  • Charlemange dies

    Charlemange dies
    Charlemange also known as Charles the great was born in 742 and died in 814. Charlemange was the KIng of the Franks and later became the emperor of the Romans in 800. He enforcededucation and was a very strong believer of Christianity. He discouraged the dark ages.
  • Viking Raids (Lindisfarne)

    Viking Raids (Lindisfarne)
    The viking raids began in 793 when they invaded Lindisfarne and started at the monastries. Monastries were a good target because they had lots of lute and had extremely limited defense.
    The vikings were a group of people that originated from Scandinavia.The vikings did not unite as a large group until about 100 years later.
    A good video:
  • Alfred the Great dies

    Alfred the Great dies
    Alfed the great was born in 849 and died in 899
    Alfred the great played a very important role in England and Europe history in the dark ages. He was the king of Wessex from 871-879. He defended Engalnd from viking attacks and raids and was a strong dicourager of the dark ages.
    A reliable and useful source: