
David Bloor

  • David Bloor birth

    David Bloor birth
    David Bloor was born on June 28, 1942. He was born to John Bloor and Elizabeth Bloor. He is a well known professor at the University of Edinburgh. He has had many accomplishments during his life and is well respected in the socialogical world.
  • Acceptance speech

    In 1972 David was awarded a PhD from the University of Edinburgh for his thesis "Speech and the Regulation of Behavior". This paved the way for his science work. After this he wrote more books that helped him along the way.
  • Knowledge and Social Imagery

    Knowledge and Social Imagery
    David Bloor's book knowledge and social imagery was hence born. Bloore and Barry Barnes were the major figures of the strong programme. This showed an approach in understanding scientific knowledge. This book was one of the key texts in the strong programme.
  • Remeber the Strong Programme

    In Remember the strong Programme Bloor talks about Bartletts law. This law says that the law governs the functions of the ones memory.