Declaration Of Independence

  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The stamp Act Congress formed in October of 1765, attended by congressmen of some of the thirteen colonies. They issued a statement arguing against the high port taxes that Britain demanded. This event showed that the American merchants were tired of high taxes and low profits.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Britain imposed high port tax on tea that it exported to its colonies in order to make money to bail-out their company, the East India Company. Colonists were unhappy about paying for a government bail-out.,sell%20tea%20in%20the%20colonies.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty. Americans were tired of paying high taxes, especially on imports from the motherland, and without having the benefit of participating in their own government. So, instead of sending the highly taxed tea back to Britain, they dumped the tea in the port. It was the American's way pf saying "we're done with you!"
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    The acts were the Boston Port Act, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, and the Quartering Act. Britiain wanted to cut-off Boston, which was the most radical anti-British city, from the other colonies. Colonists were angry and put together the First Continental Congress to show they were unified against Britain's unfair acts.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The declaration declared the colonists' right to revolt and separate from Britain. In the declaration, it states the colonists have the right, “to declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”