Democratic Party Timeline

  • Democratic Party

    Democratic Party was formed and founded by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Democratic Party

    Opposed Alexander Hamilton's Jay treaty fearing closer economic ties with England would strengthen the Federalists.
  • Democratic Party

    Democratic Party is orginezd.
  • Democratic Party

    first bid for presidency with Jefferson.
  • Democratic Party

    First national Democratic convention.
  • Democratic Party

    Democratic committe established.
  • Democratic Party

    Democratic party was primarly a Southern party whose members vote in party-line elections.
  • Democratic Party

    Democrats take controll of the White House.
  • Democratic Party

    Woodrow Wilson first Democratic president of the 20th century.
  • Democratic Party

    Democrats supported Roosevelts idea of the "New Deal" they thought if he was elected it would help the economy.
  • Democratic Party

    Franklin Roosevelt elected president. Takes the USA out of the great depression with his "New Deal"
  • Democratic Party

    John F, Kennedy;s election energizes the party.
  • Democratic Party

    John F. Jennedy is mureder at 12:30 p.m. at Dealey Plaza,Dallas texas.
  • Democratic Party

    Jimmy Carter's presidential area time.
  • Democratic Party

    Democrats vote with their Repunlicans counterparts.
  • Democratic Party

    Obama get elected into office.
  • Democratic Party

    Elections for the new president of the USA . Between Mitt Romey and Barack Obama.