Destiny Project

  • Journal Entry #1: Louisiana Purchase

    She left New York and went to the Kansas Territory. She discussed the Louisiana Purchase and her life in Kansas
  • Journal Entry #2: Lewis and Clark

    She moved to the Missouri Territory next to the Mississippi River. She talked to Lewis and Clark about moving westward.
  • Journal Entry #3: Falling in love and life after war

    She stayed in Missouri and met her husband. He served in the War of 1812 and had alcohol issues after.
  • Journal Entry #4: Texan Independence

    She went to Texas and supported Texan Independence. Texas lost at the Battle of the Alamo but ended up gaining independence from Mexico.
  • Journal Entry #5: Women's rights

    She stayed in Texas and became passionate about women's rights. She heard about her old friend Lucretia Mott and talked to Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
  • Journal Entry #6: Abolition Movement

    She remained in Texas. She expressed her opinions on blacks and slavery. She supported the Abolition Movement.
  • Journal Entry #7: Trail of Tears

    She expressed her sadness regarding the Cherokee Indians and the Trail of Tears after the signing of the Indian Removal Act.
  • Journal Entry #8: Mexican American War

    She ran into President Polk and supported gaining land from Mexico. She explained the process of the Mexican American War.