Elephant donkey dance

Development of Political Parties

  • First split into political parties- Federalists, Democratic- Republicans

    First split into political parties- Federalists, Democratic- Republicans
    Two different political parties developed in early America. The Democratic- Republicans favored states' rights and a strict interpretation of the Constitution. They also favored farmers and the French over the English when it came to disputes. The Federalists believed that a strong central government was essential to a democratic society. They also believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution. They tended to favor eastern merchants and the British over the French.
  • Era of Good Feelings, End of Federalist party

    Era of Good Feelings, End of Federalist party
    The Era of Good Feelings was a period of the time when partisian differences were at an all time low. This occured between 1816 and 1824, during the Presidency of James Monroe, who downplayed political differences. This era was due to the lack of the Federalists, who became too much of an aristocratic party and eventually led to their own demise at the Hartford Convention, when they stated their opposition to the War of 1812, just before news of Andrew Jackson's victory in New Orleans broke.
  • Controversial election split into Whigs, Democrats

    Controversial election split into Whigs, Democrats
    The 1824 election featured John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and William Crawford, all Democratic- Republicans. Andrew Jackson won the popular vote and had the most electoral votes, but not the 131 needed to win. In the House of Representatives, Speaker Clay threw his support behind John Quincy Adams, which led to Adams winning. Clay become Adams' Secretary of State, and was called a corrupt bargain by Jackson supporters. This led to the eventual split into Whigs and Democrats.
  • Modern Republican Party 1st victory

    Modern Republican Party 1st victory
    The Republican Party was founded in the 1850's by ex- Whigs and Free Soilers. While not winning in 1856, GOP nominee John C. Fremont made a very strong showing for the Republicans. In 1860, they nominated former Congressman Abraham Lincoln under a platform of free land and limiting the expansion of slavery. A split in the Democratic Party, as well as a third party challenge by the Constitutional Union led to an easy Lincoln victory.
  • FDR, Democrats win majority after long Republican rule

    FDR, Democrats win majority after long Republican rule
    When FDR won the Presidency in 1932, he ended a decade of Republican Presidencies and embarked on what he called "The New Deal." The New Deal's three R's: Relief, recovery, and reform, helped provide some economic opprotunities and more importantly, helped provide a sense of hope to many. FDR's policies helped build a massive democratic coalition that included white southerners, Catholics, Jews, labor unions, and after 1936, African Americans.