Development of Seismology 101

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    Aristotle was the first to try to prove earthquakes wre made because of a natural cause. He stated that winds from the Earth occasionally shaking the Earth's surface. Before Aristotle people believed organisms lived under the ground. From those active organisms as people believed were the cause of earthquakes. Actual date is around the 350s B.C.
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    Dragon Jar

    Dragon Jar
    Chang Heng created the Dragon Jar as a seismometer but it was so sensitive, and it can also tell which way the direction of the earthquake is coming from.
  • Elastic Propagation Theory

    Elastic Propagation Theory
    The Elastic Propagation theory was developed and it explained primary, secondary, and surface waves.
  • America and Nuclear Explosions Begins

    America and Nuclear Explosions Begins
    Seismographs are used to detect and measure strength of earthquakes and funds for seismology academies. It begins in the 1850s.
  • Luigi Palmieri

    Luigi Palmieri
    The first seismometer ever to record the intensity, time, and duration of any movement was created by Luigi Palmieri in Italy. After the Mercury moves it creates electric current which can then be measured.
  • Irish Engineer R.Mallet Observation

    Irish Engineer R.Mallet Observation
    Irish Engineer R.Mallet observes damage from earthquakes and concludes that earthquake waves come from a central focus and that if those waves are traced back the central focus can be found.
  • America and Nuclear Explosions Ends

    America and Nuclear Explosions Ends
    Seismographs are used to detect and measure strength of earthquakes and funds for seismology academies. It ends at the 1860s.
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    San Francisco Earthquake
    The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 was recorded by the first seismograph to ever be installed in North America. That seismograph was installed at 1897.
  • Elastic rebound theory

    Elastic rebound theory
    An American Engineer H.F.Reid made a theory in which elastic energy is released spontaneously by a slip on the fault.
  • First Electromagnetic Seismograph

    First Electromagnetic Seismograph
    In the early 1900s B.B.Galitzen created the first electromagnetic seismograph into which is more accurate than other mechanical seismographs.
  • Richter Magnitude Scale

    Richter Magnitude Scale
    Charles Richter creates the Magnitude scale so earthquakes can be measured.
  • Seismic Stations Established

    Seismic Stations Established
    When most seismic stations were established after 1900s to lead that earthquakes happen only where crustal plates spread apart.

    The WorldWide Standardized Seismographic Network was established creating very reliable and high quality data set. This helped seismology advance very well.
  • Modern Day

    Modern Day
    All modern seismographs that are used are electromagnetics