Digital Convergence

  • Visiting Future Ready Schools

    Each LDP teacher will be able to visit their grade level and the next grade level, at a Future Ready School. Ballico-Cressey Elementary is only 45 min. away, and allow for weekly site visits. So far, I’ve taken 6 of my own teachers, and 5 from another school within our district. The plan is to show our teachers how tech can be seamlessly integrated into the classroom, and what student collaboration looks like in a FRS.
  • Student Portfolio PD

    Using Google Slides, and Schoology, teachers will learn how to create a student digital portfolio that can be used for Open House.
  • 1:1 in 5th-8th grade

    Finish buying enough Chromebooks for 5th grade. This will allow us to be 1:1 in grades 5-8th.
  • Period: to

    Digital Convergence Plan

  • Teacher Collaboration

    Teachers will collaborate on their visit to Ballio-Cressey. Teachers will pick one tech integration site to develop and expand on in their classrooms for the remainder of this year. Items to discuss are; digital portfolios, Schoology, Google Drive, Kahoot, Newsela, and Prodigy.
  • Schoology

    LDP Principal will create a class through Scoology and conduct collaboration and PD through Schoology.

    STEAM and Engineering PD and Plan
  • Maker Space Lab

    Convert our current computer lab to a Maker Space Lab.
  • Classroom Remodeling

    With the passage of a bond, each classroom will be Future Ready updated, with colalborate work stations
  • Teacher Developing School Curriculum

    Teachers will be designing their own curriculum. STEAM and Engineering will be fully in place.