Dystopia Timeline

  • Everything is perfect

    Everything is perfect
    Everything is perfect. There is protection, food, water, transportation, shelter, and education.
  • 10 citizens escape the Dome

    10 citizens escape the Dome
    10 citizens leave the Dome.
  • They bring unknown people

    They bring unknown people
    There were lines as long as football fields outside of the Dome.
  • Troops couldn't stop the people

    Troops couldn't stop the people
    The troops weren't able to stop the people from coming into the Dome and chaos spreads.
  • The government starts to get corrupt

    The government starts to get corrupt
    The people take over some parts of the government and it starts to get corrupt.
  • The government is improving

    The government is improving
    The government is slowly improving and it is less corrupt. We are driving the bad people away.
  • The 10 people are caught

    The 10 people are caught
    After almost a year the 10 people are charged with treason are are banished from the Dome.
  • Perfect again

    Perfect again
    Everyone that has put a bad influence on the Dome is thrown out.