Economy and Development

  • 1500

    Barter System

    Barter System
    The Barter system was the trading system which means trading goods without money, it was between the Iroquois (in the St. Lawrence Lowlands) and the Algonquins (in the Canadian Shield). The Algonquins would hunt, so they would trade animal meat and animal fur. The Iroquois were farmers, so they would trade beans and corn. They only traded for what they needed because everything was transported from great distances
  • 1500

    Modes of transportation

    Modes of transportation
    The canoe was made of birch bark and used on rivers as the main route of transportation. Snowshoes were made by the Natives so you can walk on the snow without your feet sinking in it. Nomads needed these snow shoes to survive winter since they wouldn't have been able to travel far to find animals.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Economy and Development

  • Fishing

    The European fisheries caused the first contacts with the Natives since there were a lot of fish in North America. The Catholic Church didn't let members eat red meat on Fridays and most people just had fish. They would either salted, smoked or sun dried and they were exposed to the long and unsanitary voyages back to Europe.
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    Jean Talon came up with "the triangular trade" to try to diversify the economy. New France would send France raw materials, France would sell finished products to Africa, Africa would give them slaves, but that failed. There was just way too much demand for the fur trade and not enough people with different skills to diversify the economy.
  • Fur trade

    Fur trade
    At this time, fur was in high demand for high quality hats and coats made by beaver fur. Exploration and expansion of territory to search for more furs and New France was constantly expanding. New trading posts were established, Quebec and Three Rivers were founded.
  • Company of 100 Associates

    Company of 100 Associates
    In 1627, the King of France put in charge The Company of 100 Associates. They were a chartered company, which meant they were a company based on privileges and obligations: they were the only ones with rights to the fur trade and in return they were suppose to develop the colony. However, they didn't want to populate the colony because people will kill their animals and use their fur they need for their company. The population was kept small and mostly male, since they failed it on purpose.
  • Agricultural Activity

    Agricultural Activity
    Agriculture was a subsistence activity since the population was low. Farmers grew only what they needed to provide for their family. Wheat was the main crop. Children from large families got lands by the lords, so they made contributions by clearing their new lands.
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism was a way that helped the king get as much riches as he can, by taking advantage of its colonies. The King of France takes all of the New France’s natural resources back to France, manufactures them, making them into goods, and sells them. This leaves the colony poor, weak, and vulnerable for anyone else to attack.
  • Territory of New France and 13 Colonies

    Territory of New France and 13 Colonies
    Since New France's territory kept expanding since they were searching for more land to help the fur trade, their population was spread out in small numbers making it hard to defend. The 13 Colonies' population was much greater, they focused on diverse farming and fur trading. The British were advancing economically, and the French were still using mercantilism which slowed them down. The 13 Colonies were able to manufacture finished products in their colony, so they made a lot of money.
  • Hudson Bay Company

    Hudson Bay Company
    Two French explorers named Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard Chouart Des Groseilliers explored the Hudson Bay trying to establish fur trades. France would not support them so they turned to Great Britain where they created the Hudson Bay Company and built trading posts throughout the entire region.
  • English Economy based on fur trade and timber

    English Economy based on fur trade and timber
    With the beginning of the British Regime, the English took control of fur trade. They created the North-West company after the American Revolution in 1783 and merged with the Hudson Bay company in 1821. Even though the economy was based on fur trade, it was also based on timber. The British needed timber to build ships because they had the biggest navy in the world. With the need for timber, new jobs like lumberjacks, loggers, sawmills were created as well as regions like Mauricie and Outaouais.
  • Bank of Montreal

    Bank of Montreal
    The Bank of Montreal was created so the British merchants can have access to credit and investment. This helps them to grow their business and to industrialize. Another reason it was built was because it was much easier to carry around paper money.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    This treaty was signed between US and Canada that would get rid of all customs and duties. United States agreed to partner with Canada since they needed timber and agricultural products due to their rapidly expanding economy. Canada agreed because the US had a way bigger market then them, meaning they would make a lot of money. The treaty was signed in 1854, it lasted 10 years and was ended by the US.
  • The National Policy

    The National Policy
    The National Policy was created by John A Macdonald and had 3 main points; increase custom duties, build railways and encourage immigration. Increased custom to duties: Encouraged Canadians to develop Canadian industries by only buying Canadian goods. Build railways: unify the large country and increase trade and he encouraged immigration (mostly in West) because a bigger population means a bigger market. Encourage immigration: Had to get the population of West Canada to make the market bigger.
  • Economic Policy

    Economic Policy
    There were 3 things that had an impact on the organization of society and territory. Great Britain decided to increase custom duties, it was a protection policy to Canada that would help them financially. The second point was to build railways, it would run coast to coast of Canada and would unity people, increasing trade as well. Lastly, they would encourage immigration, they wanted people to settle specifically in Western Canada because the bigger the population, the bigger the market.
  • First Phase of Industrialization

    First Phase of Industrialization
    Industrialization changed skilled craftsmen who used expensive and time consuming methods to produce, with factories that can do the same thing except much cheaper and faster. Coal and steam engines powered these industries, but hydraulic energy was being used by some industries with waterways in its territory. These factories were now able to hire just about anybody and pay them a low salary.
  • Worker's Demands

    Worker's Demands
    Working conditions during this time were so terrible that sometimes workers would go on strikes and would make lockouts to try to get their revendication accepted. These conditions were not normal, working classes were overpopulated, there was no sewage, many sicknesses. Unions were made; CTCC and CSN hoping to improve their lives. They would tell owners to pay the workers better because if not, they’d go on strike and could potentially lose them a lot of money.
  • Population Changes because of Industrialization

    Population Changes because of Industrialization
    Since John A. Macdonald’s National Policy, immigration was one of the main focuses. Quebec and Canada’s population grew 30-50%. This growth caused the farms to become overcrowded and people started to move to urban centres. The mortality rate was high because of child labour. The rich people were living well, but the poor weren’t, urban families lived worse than rural families.
  • Second Phase of Industrialization

    Second Phase of Industrialization
    During this phase, raw materials (agriculture, forest, mining, hydroelectricity, ore, pulp and paper) was in demand of the population, exploitation of resources became really big. Since this happened, new regions were opened up as well as the suburbs development because of rural exodus.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was caused by the market crash of 1929. It crashed since people were investing their money into companies shares with borrowed money from the bank. These people would lose their money and they didn’t have any of their own money. This led to people getting scared so they all took their money out of the stocks which would then fail. This messed up the economy because no one had money, so no one had money to spend meaning no one was able to make money.
  • Government Solutions to end the Great Depression

    Government Solutions to end the Great Depression
    The Government attempted to end the Great Depression by doing a few things; creation of public works and work camps to boost the economy, direct aid like food stamps and they encouraged subsistent farming where people were able to provide for themselves and their family.
  • The Second World War

    The Second World War
    The second world war happened right after the Great Depression, and it solved serious problems the Great Depression caused. Jobs were created because guns, boots, etc. were being soled and soldiers were needed to fight. All these men were gone to go fight, women now had big roles as they were now working in the factories. Since these people were now getting paid, they could now spend their money on things and restarted the economy after the war.
  • Maurice Duplessis

    Maurice Duplessis
    Maurice Duplessis was the premier of Quebec throughout the 1950s. He liked old fashion and thought it was how everything should work in Quebec, for example he let the Church educate. He was a supporter of those living in rural areas, he was appreciative of their work and how they went to Church. He brought electricity and paves roads to the country. Agriculture became Quebec’s #1 export and encouraged farming. Quebec was not advancing compared to the rest of the world.
  • The Quiet Revolution

    The Quiet Revolution
    After the war, educated people were realizing Quebec was falling behind compared to the rest of the world because of Duplessis (Premier of Quebec). Once Jean Lesage was in control, the Quiet Revolution begun. The government began to intervene more, modernize the educational system to catch up with the rest of Canada and to weaken the influence of the Catholic Church.

    The North America Free Trade Agreement was a treaty that eliminated custom duties between Canada, the United-States and Mexico signed in 1993. It was originally without Mexico in 1988, but they were added to it five years later where all 3 countries benefit from this.