Economy Deficits

  • Leadership Deficit

    Leadership Deficit
    In 2007, politicians were encouraged to propose fiscally irresponsible policies. These roposed what only sounds like free tax cuts or free public spending-in order to "profit" in their elections. Campainging this way led to tax increases and spending cuts.
  • Balance/Trade Deficit

    Balance/Trade Deficit
    In 2010, the US ran a $273.1bn trade deficit with China. The relationship, in which Chinese investment in US government bonds allows low interest rates for Americans to buy Chinese products, has worked well for the last 15 years.
  • Savings Deficit

    Savings Deficit
    USA Today reported that in the month of January 2012 the average household spent $575.00 OVER their budget. The average household was spending more that their average income, causing them to lose all their savings and go into debt.
  • Budget Deficit

    Budget Deficit
    In 2013, the budget deficit was 4.1% of GDP, the largest deficit since 2008.
  • Savings Deficit

    Savings Deficit
    Autosave was established by Dr. Madrian from the Harvard Kennedy School on December 16, 2011. Dr. Madrian presented her idea of Autosave to the US Department of Treasury and started to work with the New America Foundation and MDRC to start the AutoSave pilot.
    The goal of AutoSave is to see if there are ways to make saving easy for low-income employees through their workplace.
  • Balance/Trade Deficit

    Balance/Trade Deficit
    Department of commerce announced that the goods and services deficit was $41.9 billion in July (which went down $3.3 billion) from $45.2 billion in June. July exports were $188.5 billion which is $0.8 billion more than June exports.