
  • elementary school

    The school that i went to had a lot of great parent involvement. many of the children had families that were able to come to school and participate. My mom worked more then full time so she could rarely attend
  • Middle school

    Many of the students at my school were a lot like me. In 8th grade many students went on trips with the school. I didnt apply for any because i knew my family didnt have the money for it.
  • High school

    In high school i took a lot of art classes such as painting, clay, and photo class. I was able to take auto class and cooking. These class had extra fees attached to them to supply us with materials that we needed for the class. A local auto mechanic shop donated a car for us to work on in class.
  • SRJC

    I attended SRJC for my first three years of collage because i was worried about being able to afford going straight to a UC or CSU. I was able to get some scholarships for the first two years. After those first years i was unable to receive any kind of assistance because of my family's income at the time