Education Milestones

  • Common Schools

    In the 1820's Horace Mann convinced the United States to create a system of common schools. The common education was to be provided to all children. These schools were considered good business and the future of the economy. The democracy of the nation would depend on educated children.
  • Homestead Act

    Lincoln would sign the Homestead Act into law, which was a program that granted public land to small farmers at a low cost. The action would give 160 acres to the head of household aged 21 or older. One stipulation is the individuals had to live there for five years. This immigration wave forced changes in the school system.
  • Department of Education is Created

    The creation of the Department of Education would help states establish effective school systems.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    The ruling of the Supreme Courts decision established that separate establishments for blacks and whites were constitutional as long as they were equal. This created an era of legally sanctioned racial segregation.
  • Free Public Schools- Attendance Laws

    All states have laws making school attendance mandatory for all children through elementary.
  • Brown v. Board

    This was the reversal of Plessy v. Ferguson and ruled that separate is not equal and outlawed segregation. The decision stated racial segregation of children in public schools violated the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision did not fully desegregate public education in the US but it did align the constitution on the side of racial equality.
  • Sputnik

    The soviets would make history by being the first to launch a satellite into orbit. After this more than $1 billion was put towards public schools for new science and math curriculum.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act/ Project Head Start

    This act was created as part of the war on poverty and provided federal funds to help low income students. The ESEA started Head Start and provided lunches at no cost to those in need. This act also provided a greater attention to special education and continued more opportunities for education.
  • Title IX

    Title IX established that no individual could be excluded from a school program based on his or her gender. Women were now provided more opportunities to athletic programs and other activities, which previously were not granted.
  • No Child Left Behind

    This Act created new government test standards, which students must reach. The program was developed to help students with disadvantages reach the same goals as advanced students. It is now believed that teachers are now teaching only to those standards creating a new disadvantage to students.
  • Common Core Curriculum

    This is a state led effort which is a set of standards to help prepare K- 12 for college and careers.The curricula is designed to ensure students graduating from high school are prepared to take credit bearing classes.
  • The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009

    The act provided more than 90 billion in funding for education. About half would go to local school districts to prevent layoffs and school modernization and repair. This Act also included the Race to the Top initiative designed to reform K-12 education.