Educational Evolution

  • Salem Academy and College Founded

    Salem Academy and College Founded
    Salem College is considered one of the first colleges for women. The goal of the school was to provide equal education opportunities for women.
  • Brown Vs. The Board of Education

    Brown Vs. The Board of Education
    This case is one of the greatest supreme court decisions of our time. The ruling of this case allowed for children to go to the school in their jurisdiction, regardless of their race.
  • Virginia Wesleyan College Founded

    Virginia Wesleyan College Founded
    This college was founded in 1961. This is a liberal arts college that is comprised of 34 major disciplines.
  • Green Vs. School Board of New Kent County

    Green Vs. School Board of New Kent County
    This case is in regards to the program Freedom of Choice plan. This plan did not comply with the ruling of Brown Vs. The Board of Education.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    This law prohibits any discrimination in regards to sex in a federally funded program.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This act declares that all students shall be allowed a free and appropriate education that may be tailored to a specific childs needs.
  • Creation of US Department of Education

    Creation of US Department of Education
    Estabished to help unify and develop curriclum, enrollment, and graduation requriements.
  • Common Core Initiative

    Common Core Initiative
    Created to ensure that students are prepared for entry-level jobs and work. Helps to prepare students for real life application of learned skills.