Technology in classrooms

Educational Technology Through the Ages

  • 2700 BCE

    Invention of the Abacus

    Invention of the Abacus
    The abacus was used for mathematical calculations. Its name comes from the greek work Abax, meaning calculating board/ table. It was invented in China.
  • 100 BCE

    Invention of Paper

    Invention of Paper
    Paper was invented by China. Although it was first invented around 100BC, it wasn't until 105AD that a paper making industry started, by Ts'ai Lun, a goverment offiial..
  • 382

    Manuscript Transcriptions Began.

    Manuscript Transcriptions Began.
    It was used so that the Latin alphabet could be easily recognised. The first transcription was a Latin version of the Bible, called the Vulgate, comissioned by Pope Damusus.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Printing Press Invented

    Printing Press Invented
    Books became more accessible after the invention of the printing press in 1440, in the Holy Roman Empire. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. Books began to spread around Europe, making it more accessible to educate yourself.
  • Chalkboard Invented

    Chalkboard Invented
    James Pillans, a teacher in Scotland, invented the chalk board. This opened up new possibilities for teaching and learning.
  • Educational Film Began

    Educational Film Began
    After the invention of the motion picture camera, in 1895, educational films began to be made. Research was done into educational films by Greaat Britain. This formed the 'Central Burea of Educational Films.
  • Start of Educational Radio

    Start of Educational Radio
    The first broadcast directed to schools was created by the BBC. The 'Central Council for School Broadcasting' was created in 1928. It had teachers for each curriculum subject. By the 1930's, secondary schools also had education radio programmes.
  • Overhead Projector Invented

    Overhead Projector Invented
    The overhead Projector was invented by Roger Appeldorn. The overhead projector meant that teachers could write on the clear film that was being projected.
  • Computers used for Education

    Computers used for Education
    John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz helped push computers into an educational direction. They also invented BASIC, which was a computer 'language', used to make programmes to help educate.
  • Invention of the Internet

    Invention of the Internet
    Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. Although this is just a way of accessing the internet, it became a lot more accessible and popular with the invention of this. This made it easier for computers to be used in education.
  • Invention of Interactive White Boards

    Invention of Interactive White Boards
    The first interactive white board was invented by SMART Technologies Inc. This made education a lot more interactive.
  • Invention of iPads

    Invention of iPads
    iPads can be used as a tool for learning. It is very interactive and simple to use for children. You can get a variety of educational apps on it, to facilitate learning.
  • The Present

    The Present
    We now have many facilities for education. From mobile apps to interactive tables, it is great technological and interaactive time to be growing up.