Elisabeth Glomski-3

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    Republican Government

    Republican Government
    In the 300s BC the Romans vreated new offices and institustions of government. The government then constisted of three parts, the senate, assemblies, and officials. All state offices, including Senate, were dominated by patricians ,but later opened to both patricians and plebeians. In 300s BC Romans also began to elect officials called preators.
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    The Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars
    In 264 BC violence broke out between Rome and Carthage. The war was fought mostly at sea, so the Carthage's pawerful navy dominated the fighting early on. Then the Romans built a navy of their own and were able to defeat Carthage. In 218 BC Hannibal's troops killed as many as 50,000 romans, which was the worst defeat of the Romans.
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    The First Triumvirate

    The First Triumvirate
    Around 60 BC Rome became an empire and had the First Triumvirate. The First Triumbirate is when 3 men took ober the Roman republic. In a last desperate attempt to sabe the Republic, a group of people killed Caesar on March 15, also known as Ides of March.
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    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    In AD 180 the Pax Romana started. The Pax Romana is the Roman Peace. The Pax Romana was to be a stable government, a strong legal system, widespread trade, and peace. But during the Pax Romana the smooth working of the imperial government was seldom interupted by a war or invasion.
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    Science and Engineering in Rome

    Science and Engineering in Rome
    In AD 100s Galen, who was a physician who lived in Rome, wrote several volumes that summarized the medical knowledge in his time.The Romans were very practical people. The Romans tried to use the knowledge of science to planning their cities. The Romans had built building out of concrete that are still standing around 2,000 years later.
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    Roman Law

    Roman Law
    In around 449 BC The civil law was created, The civil law is a form of law based on a written code of laws. Many countries started using the civil law. Many coundtries still have the civil law systems today.
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    Judaism in the Roman World

    Judaism in the Roman World
    In 63 BC, Roman forces under Pompey conquered Judea after months of brutal fighting. The Jews weren't willing to leave their religion, even though most Romans were polytheistic. The Roman leaders allowed the Jews to practice their religion to avoid trouble.
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    In 284 Diocletian took power to slow the empire's decline. He changed the empire into a monarchy. He then divided the empire into two. Diocletian ruled the eastern half. Because of this almost every aspect of life was regulated.
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    Imperial Approval

    Imperial Approval
    In the 300s there was a major spread of Christianity, because of the emperor's conversion to Christianity. In 313 the emperor issued the Edict of Milan, which made Christianity legal within the empire. Soon polytheism disappeared from the empire.
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    In 305 Diocletian decided to retire. So, his co-emperor also retired so that the 2 Ceasars could rise to become co-emperors at the same time. Not too long after that there was a civil war. Order wasn't restored until around 312. Then the son of one of the original Ceasars was proclaimed the new emperor by his troops.