
Elizabeth Warren's Career

  • Birth

    Elizabeth Warren was born in Oklahoma City.
  • Graduated from Rutgers Univeristy

    Graduated from Rutgers Univeristy
    After graduating High School at the age of 16, Warren went to George Washington University on a debate scholarship. She then dropped out after two years to marry her high school sweet heart. After moving to Texas with her husband, she finished her degree in speech pathology at the Univeristy of Houston. The couple moved to New Jersey and she worked in public schools helping children with disabilities. After having two children, Warren earned her Law Degree in New Jersey
  • Became a professor at Harvard Law School

    Became a professor at Harvard Law School
    after graduating law school, Warren worked as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the University of Houston Law Center, she then went on to teach Law at the University of Texas School of Law. Warren was recognized for her work at the Population Research Center at the University of Texas in Austin and finally was asked to work as a visiting professor at Harvard Law School. As of 2011 she was the only law professor at Harvard that studied and graduated from a public univeristy.
  • Member of the FDIC Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion

    Member of the FDIC Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion
    1995 was the beginning of her political career when she advised the National Bankruptcy Review Commission, and she was
    Member of the FDIC Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion from 2006 until 2010
  • Economic Efforts During the Recession

    Economic Efforts During the Recession
    in 2008 Warren was a chair member on the panel to oversee the implementation of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, and she also headed the Congressional Oversight Pannel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
  • Bostonian of the Year

    Bostonian of the Year
    in 2009, Warren was named Boston Globe's official Bostonian of the Year citing her work overseaing the $700 billion bailout and making sure to look out for the middle class during the economic crisis.
  • Named Assistant to the President

    Named Assistant to the President
    Warrend was named Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to help regulate big banks.
  • Elected as Massachusetts Senator

    Elected as Massachusetts Senator
    In 2012, Warren became the first woman senator in Massachusetts. She beat out Republican senator Scott Brown who had served as senator since 2010
  • Named Strategic Advisor of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee

    Named Strategic Advisor of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee
    in 2014 became the Strategic Advisor of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee to help reshape the democratic party’s direction.
  • 2016 Presidential Race

    2016 Presidential Race
    Warren Has yet to endorse a democratic candidate for the democratic nomination for the presidential election. Both Sanders and Clinton camps are hoping for an endoresement and many Sanders supporters are speculating a Sanders-Warren ticket for the general election.