End of the World WarII

  • The Red Scare

    This fear was not unique to the late 1940s and 1950s. The Red Scare had followed the World War II deeper and wider - and lasted far longer - than the earlier Red Scare. In 1919 and 1920, the Red Scare was similar to the Russian Revolution in 1917. The Red Scare ended when McCarthy was sensured.
  • Hollywood Ten

    The Hollywood Ten refused to answer questions, asserting their Fifth Amendment Rights against self-incrimation. The Hollywood Ten were cited for contempt of congress and were tired, convicted, and sent to prison
  • HUAC

    To investigate possible subversive activites by fasicists, Nazis, or communists. HUAC investigators had probed tge government, armed forces, unions education, and other aspects of American life. The best-known HUAC hearings forgeted the movie industry in 1947.
  • Yalta Conference

    The Big agreed that Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania would hold free elections. Yalta Conference was the wartime meeeting of the heads of governement of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Yalta was on the Black Sea in February of 1945 to discuss final strategy and crucial questions. The meeting was intended to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe.
  • End of the World War II

    World War II had changed the nation in many profound ways. In World War II, Japan and Germany kept fighting long after their defeat. The World War II had involved most of the world's nations including all of the great powers. World War II had altered the political realities of the world.
  • Creation of the U.N.

    The Unied States led the charge for the establishment of the UN. April of 1945, delegates from at least 50 nations to met in San Fransico to write the charter for the UN. The UN later set up its permanent home in New York City.
  • Formation of the Warsaw

    The Warsaw Pact pladged to defend one another's attacke. The Soviet Union and its satellite states formed a rival military allience. The Soviet Union continued to exert firm control over its Warsaw Pact allies.
  • Potsdam Conference

    A dramatically altered, Big Three met in 1945 of July in Berlin Suburb of Potsdam. The Potsdam Conference was held at Cecilienhof. While at the meeting, the Big Three decided to didvide Germany into 4 zones of occupation: Soviet, American, British, and French. They agreed to nrw borders and free elections for Poland.
  • The Beginning of Baby Boom

    In 1957, at the peak of the baby boom, one American baby every 7 seconds, a grand total of 4.3 million for the year. Soliders quickly made up for the last time by marrying and having children.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formed in 1949, provided the military alliance to counter Soviet expansion. In 1955, West Germany became a member of NATO. Like members of NATO, nations of Warsaw Pact pledged to defend one another if attacked.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    Prwsident Truman's promised to aid nations struggling against communist movement which became known as the Truman Doctrine. Congress responded by voting to give $400 million dollars to the aid for Greece and Turkey. Truman stated the Doctrine would be "The policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities.
  • The Korean War(Beginning and end)

    The American occupation troops had remained in South Korea until 1949. June 25, 1950, North Korea forces attack across the 38th parallel. By sprong of 1951, Allied forces had regrouped. The stalement had lasted until 1953.
  • Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs were from the poor,lower east side of Manhattan. The Rosenbergs claimed that they were being persecuted for being Jewish and for unpopular beliefs. But the Rosenbergs claimed they had no such information
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan has approved congress in the ealy 1948. The Marshall Plan provided vivid examples of how the U.S. aid could serve the ends of both economic and foreign policy.
  • McCarthyism

    Become a catchword for extreme reckless charges. Between 1950 and 1954, McCarthy was perhaps the most political in the United States. McCarthy had became a chairman of an investigations subcommittee. McCarthy caused people to lose their jobs and destory reputations.