envents in advertizing

  • town criers

    town criers
    town criers announced the daily news that was relevent to the people in a loud clear voice
  • another common advertizing method would've been signs or phamplets.

    another common advertizing method would've been signs or phamplets.
  • the victorian era

    the victorian era
    in this era, there would have been make up ads and pattern ads in the news paper.
  • carriges from the victorian era

    carriges from the victorian era
    sometimes there would be advertisments on the sides of carriges or trollies.
  • twenties TV

    in the twenties, the first commercial came around.
  • internet

    the computer compant Macintosh, desighned the programs we are familiar with today.
  • I Phone

    I Phone
    the first I phone was invented in june 2007.
  • Iphone 5

    Iphone 5
    the I phone 5 came out in September 12, 2012