Environmental History Timeline.

  • Public health service act

    Authorizing marine hospitals for the care of American merchant seamen.
  • Establishment of national forests

    The current impasse over national forest management is an outgrowth of a century of federal resource policy.
  • Love canal

    love canal is the long drawn out process. luis gibs helped build the public attention about the fact that their neighborhood was being built on toxic waste.
  • Migratory Bird act

    the law says that if u kill or transport any migratory birds u will be put into jail
  • First U.N. earth summit

    The united nations conferences on envrionmental and development was major
  • everglades national park

    "protects the animals of florida , the wilderness is being protected."
  • Bald eagle protection act

    This law provides for the protection of the bald eagle (the national emblem) and the golden eagle by prohibiting, except under certain specified conditions, the taking, possession and commerce of such birds.
  • Claen Water Act

    establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters.
  • slience spring published

    human dangers on pesticides . book
  • wilderness act

    no killing of animals in the parks and protected areas.
  • endangered preservation act.

    to preserve the animals that are on the list
  • National environmental policy act

    An Act to establish a national policy for the environment, to provide for the establishment of a Council on Environmental Quality, and for other purposes.
  • first earth day

    none. starting of earth day
  • EPA formed

    An independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protection the environment.
  • U.N. environmental program created

    . Its purpose is to create a body of law that can lead towards a better protection of human health and the environment, and to bring new issues to the attention of the international community.
  • opec oil and bargo

    no discreption
  • DDT banned

    Convinced that the environmental damage from DDT was greater than the compound's possible benefits, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency banned the use of DDT in the United States in 1973.
  • Endangered species act

    : provides a program that renews the threatened and endangered species of plants and animals and the habitats they are found in.
  • endangered species

    not allowed to kill anaimals listed as almost "extinct"
  • toxic subtances contol act

    the primary regulatory law regarding toxic subatances.
  • Resource conservation and recovery act

    The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 requires federal agencies to assess the impact that debris, debris removal, hazardous wastes, and hazardous waste clean-up projects will have on air and water quality and take actions to prevent degradation.
  • energy insitute

  • Three Mile Island accident

    The Three Mile Island was the most serious in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant operating history.
  • union carbide plant explosion

    large scale chemical disaster.
  • Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion

    The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.
  • exxon valdez oil spill

    major oil spill. , hit ice and dumped 11 to 53 million gallons
  • Clean air act reauthorized

    Is authorized to set rules in order to strengthen air-quality standards, rules that have usually been met with enthusiasm by environmental organizations and large resistance by states and industries that bear much of the costs of implementation.
  • Clean air act

    The Clean Air Act is the law that defines EPA's responsibilities for protecting and improving the nation's air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer.
  • International conference on population and development

    The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development was a milestone in the history of population and development, as well as in the history of women's rights.
  • World food summit

    The Summit is aimed at renewing the commitment of world leaders at the highest level to the eradication of hunger and malnutrition and the achievement of food security for all, through the adoption of concerted policies and actions at global, regional and national level.
  • Kyoto protocol

    The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.