Era's of kings and queens in England.

By Ms4079
  • Sep 22, 1215


    Parliament legislation of the kingdom of England
  • Death of Elizabeth the first

    Death of Elizabeth the first
    She died of old age.
  • James the first

    James the first
    Became king in 1603 and died in 1625
  • Charles the first

    Charles the first
    Was the son of james the first and became king in 1625
  • Charles I forced to contact parliament

    Charles I forced to contact parliament
    Charles had to contact parliament because he needed $$$ but they refused to unless he signed the patrons of rights
  • Charles I dissolved parliament

  • Charles 1 called back parliament into court

  • Laws of 1641

    paliment took away some of the royal power
  • Petitions of Rights

    Petitions of Rights
    King Charles was forced to sign it so he could get money.