
Erikson's developmental theory

  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    One of the students from the Friday Night Chinese school (8-year-old) shows a strong sense of pride in his abilities and knowledge. He is very confident and satisfied when he is able to answer the questions that teacher brings to them. He will feel guilty and ashamed if he doesn't know the answer. In Erikson’s fourth stage Industry vs. Inferiority, Children will be proud if they can master skills and learn knowledge well. Teachers and parents’ encouragement plays a very important role also.
  • Identity vs. Identity Confusion

    When I was in high school (around 17-18 years old),I determined I want to become a doctor in the future, and I also dreamed about what kind of life I would like to have in my later life. In Erikson’s fifth stage Identity vs. Identity confusion, the crisis is to find a sense of identity. Specifically, adolescences will be able to answer the questions like “who you are?”, “who you want to be?”, “what types of person you are willing to make friends with?” if they go through this stage successfully.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    My sister (26 years old) is in a 5-year-old long relationship with her boyfriend. They already purchased a new home for their marriage, and they are going to get married and have the ceremony next year. In Erikson’s sixth stage Intimacy vs. Isolation, people end up the last stage, which is the self identity establishment, and if they are mature enough and are willing to compromise and sacrifice, they can establish a committed, stable, intimate long-term relationship, usually marriage.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    My stepmother is in her late 40's. She is satisfied with her life right now. There are two key aspects that she is very proud of, one is her career, which made her become a president of a government company; and another one is that she is able to support her daughter to study abroad in Australia without student loan. In Erikson's seventh stage Generativity vs. Stagnation, people this age will feel fulfilled when they successfully involved in their career and actively care the next generation.