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Erikson's Stages as Real Life Examples

By egclose
  • A Romance to Remember: Intimacy vs Isolation

    A Romance to Remember: Intimacy vs Isolation
    It was about a month into Lynn's sophomore year of college. She had met this awesome boy named Duke. He had asked her on a date to go get sushi. Lynn was ecstatic about this new relationship opportunity.
    This is an example of Erikson's Intimacy vs Isolation stage.
    Lynn has the chance to become romantically involved with this boy that she had been seeking out. This gives her an opportunity for commitment, safety, and love. She no longer wants to feel isolated or lonely.
  • Life As Parents: Trust vs Mistrust

    Life As Parents: Trust vs Mistrust
    Lynn and Duke have been happily married for 2 years. They had a beautiful baby girl named Lee who is very well taken care of. She does not do well away from her parents, especially when she has to have a babysitter.
    This is an example of Erikson's first stage, trust vs mistrust.
    Lee is very attached to her parents and she feels very secure with them because they have given her a consistent home life. However, she feels anxious when she has a babysitter because she is not as familiar w/ them.
  • Decisions, Decisions.. : Identity vs Role Confusion

    Decisions, Decisions.. : Identity vs Role Confusion
    Lee and her best friend are very well liked in school. Her best friend got a tattoo, and now Lee wants a tattoo. Her parents don't approve of this because they think Lee will regret her choice later on.
    This is an example of Identity vs Role Confusion.
    The crisis is between Lee doing things that she actually wants to do and being influenced by others choices which affects her personal decision making.
  • A Success to Remember: Generativity vs Stagnation

    A Success to Remember: Generativity vs Stagnation
    Lynn has been a nurse practitioner for several years. Her outlook on life and hardworking skills lead her to a huge promotion and pay raise.
    In Erikson's stage of generativity vs stagnation, Lynn is faced with being productive and successful instead of coming to a stopping point and not furthering her career and education.