Hilliard-Historical Timeline

  • Stuart v. Nappi-. School records describe Stuart as having limited intelligence and learning disabilities derived from either a minimal brain dysfunction or an organically rooted perceptual disorder.

    Plantiff:Danbury board of Education violate The 1970 Handicap Act by denying her FAPE, right to LRE, and to remain in current placement until matter resolved
    Defendent:was involved in school disturbance, given 10 day suspension, not attending SPED classes
    Court ruling: violated HA-fape and stay put, expulsion-LRE not guaranteed
    Implications:set a precedent for the least restrictive environment requirements during suspensions https://prezi.com/mobvo0cs5cuw/stuart-v-nappi-a-precedent/
  • Larry P v. Riles (California)-A student Larry P. filed a lawsuit against the San Francisco Unified School District, the Superintendent (Wilson Riles), the San Francisco Board of Education, and the California Board of Education

    Larry P-IQ test were culturally biased, Disproportionate amount African-Americans in EMR classes.
    Riles-IQ test are valid. Disproportion exist due to genetics and social/environmental factors
    Courts Ruled: test are cultural biases. State must reassess all African American students in EMR classes. It was untenable that the disproportion was a result of genetics.
    Implications: culture fair assessments were developed.
  • Honig v. Doe-Two students labeled as emotionally disturbed were expelled for behaviors.

    Plaintiff:that the mishandling of their disciplinary action caused the school district to be in violation of the "stay put” provision of the EAHCA
    Defendent:students were a danger to themselves and others
    Court:violated EAHCA with indefinite suspension of students with behaviors that were a function of their disability
    Implications:students with IEP's cannot be expelled for over 10days and states must provide services when local school boards fail