ESE 601: Historical Timeline

  • Brown Vs. The Board of Education

    This supreme court case consisted of 5 cases addressing segregation in public schools. Plaintiffs argued separate schools for black and white children were unequal (Yell, 2021). Defendants argued that separate but equal was constitutional. May14,1954 courts ruled separate was not equal within public education (United States Courts, n.d.). This case would later be used in more special education lawsuits. (
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    This is a federal law that ensures students with disabilities have access to a free and appropriate public education (Center for Parent Information & Resources, 2017). Special education services are implemented through an Individual Education Plan, which outlines accommodations and related services.
  • Honig vs Doe

    Two students with disabilities were suspended from a school district in California. Their parents argued it violated the services of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. The federal courts barred the school district from suspending students for more than 5 days when behavior was due to their disability. (Steketee, 2019). This case started a suspension rule for disabled students which required parental/court consent (Forte, 2017).
  • Timothy Vs Rochester, New Hampshire, School District

    School district of Rochester attempted to deny services to a severely disabled student in claims that needs couldn't be met under Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Steketee, 2019). Parents argued against it and courts ruled a zero-reject policy to ensure services to severely disabled students. This case emphasized the need for related services like OT, and speech (Forte, 2017).
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed on July, 26, 1990 (Americans with Disabilities Act, n.d.). This is a civil rights acts to prevent discrimination against individuals with physical and mental disabilities in jobs, education, and transportation. It requires accommodations for students in educational facilities in public and private sectors.